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She snickers. “Stop it. He was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise scary time and place. He was my healer, so I had this hero worship thing going on. He’s kind, Spencer. And I responded to kindness when everyone else around me was hurried or scared.”

“Don’t make me hurt him. I’ll do it, Priss. I’ll take him out.”

“You don’t have my permission to do that,” she teases. “Leave him alone, and I’ll never again mention Ashley being at your place the other night.”

Where I had a retort sitting and waiting to throw back at Abigail, I now have nothing but pursed lips and a little pride for the skittish woman who doesn’t often lay shit down that fast.

I’m not actually worried about this doctor. I’m playing with her to make her smile, so her witty comeback and flashing grin makes it worth it.

“Touché, Miss Priss. I won’t hurt your doctor… today.”

She gives a soft, breathy laugh and nibbles on her bottom lip. “What are you doing today?”

“We just checked in. So I’m gonna nap for a bit after we hang up, then we’re heading out tonight to meet a guy.”

“Who’s the guy?”

I shrug. “Soph’s friend. Military muscle. Sharpshooter. Goes only by Romeo.”

Her brows knit. “Like, Juliet’s Romeo?”

I grin. “I suspect it’s more of a phonetic alphabet thing. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta.”

“So, by that logic, you would be… Sierra?”

“Right.” Uncomfortable with how I sit, I move down the bed until my feet hang off the end, and my head hits the pillow. Then I turn to my side and curl up. “I wish you were here with me, Abigail.” I angle my phone so she can see my position. “I need a little spoon.”

“I wish I was with you too.” Sitting back against a brick wall, she sighs. “I’ve barely started work yet, but it feels like it’s already been a long day. I wish you would be at home when I’m done, because spooning sounds like literally the best thing I could do right now. I got attached to you.”

“Like plankton,” I chuckle. “Stay attached, okay? I don’t want you to float away.”

“Alright.” Her voice is soft, gentle, breathy. But then her eyes snap up and focus on something behind her phone. “Okay. I’m coming in.” Her eyes come back to mine. “I have to go, okay?”

“I wish you didn’t. You could sing me to sleep.”

Her eyes soften and flicker across my face. “Maybe tonight?”

“Maybe. I don’t know what time I’ll get to bed, but I’ll text you my plans when I know them. Right now, I just know I have a meet at five.”

“I’ll set my alarm,” she promises. “I’ll be thinking of you at five.”

“Think of me all day. I’ll be thinking of you.”

“I will.” She stands and moves her phone so I catch a glimpse of milk crates. My correct assumption makes me smile. “I have to go in and sign for my order. Then I have work to do. Don’t forget to sign into my security. You can watch me whenever you get bored.”

“Bet your ass I’ll be signing in. Now we just need to install something in your bedroom.” Her cheeks burn red, but turn so much darker when I add, “But Bishop isn’t allowed to do that. No man is allowed in your room but me.”


“I’m glad he was looking out and installed your system. I should have done it before I left.”

“It’s done now. I really have to go, but I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, beautiful. I… well…” My heart slams against my chest. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

As soon as she hangs up, I shoot a text to Kane.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark