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“I can talk. Mm, thank you.” A paper bag rustles on her end, then heels click on concrete floor as she moves away from the noise of a rumbling engine and too-loud music. “Okay, I’m out back where it’s much quieter. We can take as much time as you want.”

“Out back? It’s safe out there, right?”

“Yup, it’s safe. Kane was by this morning, did you know that?”


“Mmm.” Her paper bag rustles some more, then she makes a low growl of pleasure in the back of her throat that instantly makes me hard. “He installed cameras everywhere inside and outside of my shop. Gah, this is so good.”

“Abigail, what are you doing?”

“Eating a glazed donut for breakfast.” Giggling, she rustles the bag some more, then groans again. “Have you ever had donuts for breakfast, Spencer? Because I have, right now. It feels like a sin.”

“You need to stop making those noises, babe. You’re making me think sinful thoughts.”

“Re–really?” That brings her up short. “I’m sorry.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “It’s fine. I’m gonna call you back tonight when you’re in bed. Buy a donut on your way home and we’ll talk sins all over again. You’ll never eat a donut again without making yourself wet.”

“Spencer…” Her voice is breathy and pulses straight into my cock. “Geez…”

“Kane was by this morning?” I prompt. “Why?”

“Um…” It takes her a minute to switch gears, then she finally focuses. “Oh! He said he had to install security for my store. I told him not to, since I know it’s expensive, but he said it’s already ordered and paid for. He dragged my butt outta bed really early so I could open the store for him. He left only twenty minutes ago, and told me to tell you the password when you called.”

I love my brother so fucking much.

“What’s the password?”

She giggles. “He didn’t actually say. He said you’d be able to figure it out on the second try.”

“On the second try…” I bring my hand up and roll my bottom lip between my fingers. “Okay. I’ll work on it.”

“No clue?”

I shrug. “I dunno. Maybe. I’ll work on logging in when we hang up.”

“So you’ll be able to watch me work?”

“All day long, babe. If I was logged in right now, I’d be able to see you talking on the phone.”

Without warning, Abigail hangs up on me and slingshots me back to the room I rest in, and not the back of her shop, where she’s probably huddled against the cold and sitting on milk crates.

“Abigail?” I bring the phone away from my ear and frown.

She’s gone. She didn’t even say goodbye.

But then my screen lights up with a video call.

I hit accept and grin like a complete dick when her sweet smile fills my screen. “Jesus, Priss. You take my breath away.”

Her always-too-damn-pale cheeks fill with a rose blush. Her lips are red, but not from lipstick. Her eyes are still captivating and amazingly unique. “I wanted to see you. But don’t embarrass me. It took guts for me to call you like this.”

“I won’t tease.” I sit up taller, run a hand over my stubbled jaw and wish I’d had time to shave and clean up before she saw me.Jesus, who the fuck am I, and where is the real Spence? “You look beautiful, Abigail. I miss the shit out of your face, and it’s only been a day.”

She looks down a little and peeks at me through her lashes. “Thank you. Do you know how long you’ll be gone?” One-handed, she brings the last quarter of a glazed donut up to her mouth and takes a small bite.

“No clue. But Soph booked us into a motel for the week just now.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark