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She smiles and cups my face the way I cupped hers earlier. “I went today.”

“Today? Abigail!”

She gives a tiny, breathy scoff. “Everything is fine. They checked and did the ultrasound to make sure nothing has popped up. Everything looks fine.”

“Please tell me you took Nadia, or one of your brothers. Tell me you asked your mom or your fucking pastor to go with you.”

“I went alone.”

“Ugh!” I throw my head back and groan. “Jesus, Priss. So fucking high-maintenance. Why go on your own? You have a hundred people that would come with you, but you choose to go alone? Even Jay would have gone if you’d just asked!”

“I like being alone sometimes,” she murmurs. “When things are scary for me, I like to be alone. It’s how I cope. But everything is fine. I had no plans to tell you this about me, but my glass of wine and big mouth got the better of me.”

I bring my head forward and meet her eyes. “Thank you for telling me. Thank you for trusting me.”

She shrugs. “Cat’s out of the bag now. Don’t make it weird, okay?”

“How could I possibly make it weird?”

“Something to do with carrying me around your home like I’m incapable?” Her lips quirk into a smile. “Or maybe the bit where you suggested Jay-freakin’-Bishop come with me to my boob doctor?”

“I mean… I didn’t say heshouldgo. Because he’d totally sneak a peek and then never shut up about how he saw my girl’s goods. I just meant that hecouldgo, ya know, if you were desperate for a friend.”

Her eyes change from a little distant, but a little humored too, to something else. Then she turns in my lap and changes everything.

She was cradled in my lap – admittedly, like a child – but now she turns and straddles my thighs. She’s as light as a feather, and small enough that sitting on me still doesn’t have her face towering over mine. She’s my height now, so when she leans forward and cups my face again, she’s exactly where she needs to be.

“Your girl?”


She grins. “You said ‘your girl’. You said Jay would never shut up about how he sawyour girl’sgoods.”

“Oh…” I watch her eyes. “Yeah, I said that.”

“I’m romanticizing the heck out of that statement in my head right now, just so you know. I can’t do this stuff without getting attached. I can’t be with a man casually. But…” She pauses. “I want to be with you.”

That should terrify me. I should already be running for the fuckin’ mountains, and banging a new chick in each town I pass just to create more space between us. But is that what I do? No, I massage her thighs. I look into her eyes, and let my heart skip like a total pussy.

“I want to be with you too.”

There it is. The final revolution on the lock I never knew I needed to open.

“Abigail, I… I don’t know h–”

Grinning, she leans closer and silences me with her lips. It starts out slow and gentle, hesitant, since she’s the one taking the lead, but when my hands tighten on her ass, and my dick grows beneath her, she gasps and sends her breath scorching down my throat.

I should be pushing her away, but I pull her closer instead.

I should tell her that bringing her to the couch isn’t meant as pressure to make out, but I slide my tongue into her mouth instead.

I should throw myself into a cold shower, but I grind upwards and groan when the friction is exactly what I need.

“Don’t touch my breasts.” She pulls away, panting and breathing hard. “Okay? Just don’t touch my breasts. Don’t take my bra off.”

“Um…” My eyes flicker between hers as our chests lift and drop. “Okay.”

“Promise? Just this time, you have to promise.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark