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Her eyes flicker between mine. “Really?”

“I swear. You made an impression on me, and now I can’t seem to shake you. But you should know I bought flowers for Jess, Laine, and Soph.”

She snickers. “Roy told me. He said you asked where I was.”

“Where were you? I dropped a fortune in your shop, and risked my friends’ wrath by buying their girls flowers, and it was all for nothing, since you weren’t even there.”

“I was busy.” She wrinkles her nose. “Visiting with a friend for a few hours.”

I narrow my eyes, though it’s only in jest. “Not a dude, right? You were visiting a female friend?”

“A female.” She nods. “Her name is Marcie. She’s cool.”

“Okay.” Daringly, since I’m not sure wherewe are right now, I cup Abigail’s face and press a kiss to her lips. She stares at me in shock, but I don’t really care. I’m gonna kiss her. I’m gonna hold her close and let her know she’s wanted. The rest is up to her. “Dinner?”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark