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Fuck me, I’d like to bring her down here and fuck her against the glass just to work her out of my system.

But wishes and actions are two completely different things, and as it stands, I’ve yet to touch Sophia.

So why is Ace bringing her up?

He’s never mentioned any of the women I’ve spent time with in the past.

So why now? And why threaten her?

Turning, I go back to my computer and hit reply.

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From: KingOnD8

Subject: We need to talk

Two years, Ace. We’ve been in communication for two years, and I’ve trusted you to do the right thing. I’ve walked toward bullets on your promise it would be okay. I’ve left my brother in someone else’s care, because you said it would be okay. I’ve stayed away from Kane for months, on the proviso that you’re watching him and that he’s okay.

I trust you.

I’m trusting you.

But if you threaten an innocent again, I’ll find you, and I’ll end you.

Sophia isn’t part of this, so step the fuck back and cool it.

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From: AcesAndEights

Subject: re: We need to talk

Look at you! One burger and a cute laugh, and you’re already distracted. You need to get your head on straight and remember our main objective.

We need to find our orchestrator.

We need to immobilize him.

Then you can talk about pussy.

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From: KingOnD8

Subject: Stop recycling subjects!

I can do both. I will do both. You just sit the fuck down and mind your own business.

I’ll be at the club at ten. I’ll email when I get back home.

Also, send more money. I’m running low.

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From: AcesAndEights

Subject: Check your bank

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark