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“Thanks, deputy.” I roll my eyes and step away. “Now you know what’s going on, so keep your wife and son on a leash. I can’t have Ben staking out the rookie’s house and freaking everyone out. You know where I’ll be, you know I’ll be safe.”

He lets out a long sigh. “You’re leaving now?”

I nod and head back toward the dining room. “In a minute. I’ve got lots to do, and lots of DIY videos to watch so I know how to do it. I also have a scared cat to coax out of Riley’s closet. She’s gonna tear strips off my skin, I just know she will.” I step up to the table and pull my cousin into my arms. “Love you.”

“Oh God.” She doesn’t pull me close the way she’s supposed to. Instead, she holds me at arm’s reach and stares into my eyes. “What did you do? What’s wrong?”

I laugh. “Why do you assume I did something wrong? I’m a good person!”

“You’re a pain in my ass, and because you were talking to the cops in the kitchen, then you come here and tell me you love me.”

“I was talking to your husband!”

“In this case, he’s the cops. You think I don’t know he was checking in on your plans before you broke the news to me?”

Livi and Ben watch us with narrowed eyes. Livi’s are curious. Benny’s… not so much.

“Fine. I’m not staying here tonight. Happy?”

She drops her hands to her hips. “No! I’m not happy. Where are you staying?”

“I’m staying at Riley’s place.” I shoot a pointed finger toward a reddening Ben. “Cruz isn’t even there, so stop your shit and breathe. He’s coming home to aregularhouse, but he’s gonna need modifications. Hand rails, no rugs, that sort of stuff. I have a day and a half to get it done, and no one’s tantrums and shitty behavior will change my mind. I’ll drop in again tomorrow to see you guys. Nacho will wanna see Livi again.” I step away from Lindsi and go to Ben. He remains in his chair, not at all relaxed after the delicious dinner he prepared. I drop a kiss on the crown of his head, then press my cheek to his. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Don’t stress so much. It’s not good for your health.”

“Let me come with you. I’ll sleep on the couch and help you with your jobs.”

“No.” I pat his chest and move on. “It’s already pretty bad that I broke in and helped myself to a cop’s house. I can’t let you become my accomplice.”

“Broke in?” Lindsi demands. “Dammit, Andi!”

“Well it’s not like he gave me his keys during all the shouting! Trust me, he’ll thank me one day.” Probably not this year – or even this decade – but one day he’ll be thankful he didn’t come home to the mess I discovered today. “The window was open, so I didn’tbreak. I just entered.”

I hug Livi from behind, pressing my cheek to hers the way I did Ben. “I love you, sweet princess. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Can Nacho stay here tonight?”

I’ve been replaced by a mini pig. “No, sweetheart. She has to stay with me, but I’ll be back.” I collect the fifteen pounds of squeaking fat and tuck her against my chest. “Sweet dreams, guys. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“Let me drive with you.” Standing, Ben pushes his chair back and walks to the kitchen to grab his sneakers. “Just to make sure you get there safe.”

“Ah, honey that would be counterproductive. You can’t drive back, so then I’d have to drive you back. Then you’d insist on driving with me again, and we’ll find ourselves in a loop we can’t break until one day, we die of exhaust fumes.”

His lips quirk up handsomely and show me the man he’s growing into. “You’re being dumb. I’ll drive with you, get you inside, then I’ll run home.” He turns to Oz and Lindsi. “It’s only eight o’clock, and it’ll take twenty minutes to run home. We run further in the mornings.”

“Alright.” Lindsi moves past and squeezes her son’s shoulder. “Straight there, straight home. Don’t get arrested again.”

“Mom! You know Alex does it on purpose. He plants shit in my pockets, thenjust so happensto find them right away. They’re not real arrests.”

I smile when Oz taps the back of Ben’s head and moves into the kitchen.

“How many arrests you got on your record, kid?”

He rolls his eyes. “Like, two legit arrests, one of which was thatculoin the kitchen. Plus three-hundred fakes. Pretty sure X gets off on throwing me in the back of his cruiser. I swear, he waits outside the school and throws me into the car just because he can.”

“He does.” Oz stops back by the table with a bottle of orange Gatorade. “You just ate pasta, which means you’re gonna ralph it up again while running. Drink some of this. And yes, Alex has set his watch for the school bell. He waits for you because he thinks it’s funny as shit.”

Ben turns to his mother. “See! Steal a guy’s best friend once, and you’re paying for it for the rest of your life.” He finishes with one shoe, then goes to work on the second. “I’ll go straight there, straight back. I promise.”

* * *

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark