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My eyes stop on Jess’ for half a second. Her bright blue gaze digs in to my heart until my stiff cock isn’t the only thing throbbing, but then she’s gone.

Like she was never there.

As soon as the room is clear, Jay dramatically kicks the door shut and slams his girl against the solid wood. She goes willingly and accepts his tongue down her throat and his hand in her pants.

I drag my girl to the long leather couch – the voyeur’s vantage point –slump down, and pull her into my lap. Turned the fuck on, I watch Jay slam his cock inside the woman. “Jessie.” I grab the back of her head and push it toward my belt. “I’ll fix you up after, I promise. You do me first, ‘cause blow makes me horny as fuck, and I’ve been horny since the night I met you. Take the edge off for me, then I promise to look after you.”

She fights my hold, scratching at my hands and snapping her teeth. I drag my gaze from the fucking couple and come eye-to-eye with tear filled brown eyes. Slowly, my gaze slides over my tattooed arm and stop on brown hair threaded through my fingers.

That’s not right. “You’re not Jess.”

Fat tears slide over her lip and land on my lap. “I don’t know Jess.” Her hands shake. “I’m just Nora. Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t make me do this. I just want my sister. I wanna go home.”

“You shouldn’t have come here, Jessie. Did your daddy tell you to stay inside, but you got it in your stupid fuckin’ head to go out anyway?”

“I’m sorry.” She scratches my hand and tears away strips of my skin. “I’m sorry. I won’t ever do it again. Please just let me go home. I promise to never come here again.”

I can’t focus. Can’t process. Everything is in fast forward except me.

The music.

Jay’s fucking.

His pistoning hips.

My girl’s cries.

Hisgirl’s screams – the good kind of scream, not the bad scream.

Turning back to my girl, I study her perky little nose. “How old are you?”

“I’m sixteen.” She grunts and works to tear my hand from her hair.

I feel nothing. Nothing except the blood thrashing beneath my skin and a soft ass sitting on my painfully full cock.

I look around the room, blinking as lights from the club flash, and as Jay’s synchronized grunts blend with the music inside my ears until it’s a blur of noise.

What the fuck did Abel cut that coke with?

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark