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“Where to, Blondie?” I push my keys into the ignition and grin at the beautiful girl with rosy red cheeks and angry eyes. She’s too fucking pure for me. Too expensive. Too valuable. But I don’t have to be at work for twelve whole hours, and she has nowhere else to be. I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of tormenting her and turning her ocean eyes to lava every few minutes. “Franky’s?”

“No. We can’t go to Franky’s. I know people who work there.”

I frown and reflexively push my foot down onto the brake. “So?”

Lifting her brow, she looks me up and down. “What do you meanso? You’re a criminal. I should be walking you to the police station, not to breakfast. I saw a crime last night, but instead of doing my civic duty, instead of reporting it, I asked you out to breakfast. The least I can do is not wave that in front of my friends’ faces.”

“You’re ashamed to be seen with me?” That hurts more than I expected it would. What she’s saying makes sense, and yet,ouch.

“Ashamed? No. Putting my job at risk? Yup. Putting my freedom at risk? Yup. Puttingyourlife at risk if my brother sees me with a guy? Yup, yup, yup. When he asks ‘does that boy have a job?’ am I allowed to answer that you’re a criminal, or should I let you take the lead on that chat?”

I roll my eyes. “You’re being dumb.”

“No, I’m not, unless you wanna work at the diner, in which case, I could make it happen. I can argue until I’m blue in the face, Kane. My brother’s turn to marshmallows when I work the right angle. You could watch me work my magic. I’ll talk them around.”

I bet she could. “I’m not working at the diner, Blondie. That’s a hard limit for me.”

Sighing, she shakes her head and picks at the hem of her dress. “I want you to live a long, happy life, Kane. A life of freedom. You can’t do that and be in bed with Abel.”

“I just wanna be in bed withyou. Why won’t you let me fuck you already?”

Swinging her arm out with lightning fast reflexes, she slams her fist into my stomach until I choke on the pain. My ribs might be a little bit fractured from my fight last night. “Ouch!”

“Don’t be a pig! I swear, you’re in a relationship with your dick.”

I massage my aching side. “I whacked off the other night while you were asleep in my bed.”

She scrunches her nose and clutches to her metaphorical pearls all over again. “You did not. Shut the hell up.”

“I actually did. Stroked my cock thinking about you. You were only ten feet away, in my bed, with those cheeky panties and enough ass poking out for me to bite.”

Her cheeks flame, but she refuses to let go of her indignation. “You’re trying to embarrass me.”

“No. I’m trying to get you to climb into my lap.” I tap my thigh. “Come on over, beautiful. My legs are broad, and I have enough room for all of you.” I look down at my crotch. At my perpetually hard dick. “Slot A. Tab B. We’re all set up over here. Scoot on over and let me feel you.”

“No.” With pursed lips, she squirms in her seat and strangles the fabric at the hem of her dress.

Women don’t present as obviously as me; they don’t have a literal appendage poking out of their shorts to announce their willingness. But the way her thighs move together, the way she squirms, the way her nipples press against her baby pink dress…

She makes my mouth water.

She was hurt last night.

She was violated. I won’t actually take her today, or possibly ever, but making her squirm for me is totally fair play.

“Let’s just go to breakfast, Kane. And put your dick away.”

“I asked for breakfast ten minutes ago, woman. But I’m glad to see you’ve come around.” Switching on the ignition with a wolfish grin, I catch her hand when she goes for a second strike. Yanking her across the cracked vinyl bench seat, I smack a noisy kiss to her lips and consider my work done when she simply stares in shock.

“Every time you hit me, I’m gonna taste a new part of your body. Eventually I’ll get to your pussy, at which point, you’ll slam your fist into my gut as fluidly as I’ll slam my cock into you when you give me the green light. It’ll be mutually fucking delicious. But until then, pick somewhere for breakfast.”Before I’m tempted to be a deviant and take you in my truck.

“Umm…” Pushing away from me in shock, she rights the dress that flipped up her thighs. “We could go to Paddy’s. It’s a truck stop on the interstate, about twenty-five minutes away. Strangers pass through there every day, so they won’t know either of us.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark