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I shrug. “He could’ve been holding a rocket launcher with your name painted on the side, I don’t care. If he wanted you dead, you’d be dead. He knows who you are to me. He might not give a damn about your feelings, but he cares about mine. Killing you would piss me off.”

“Piss you off? Really, Jessica?” His eyes flare. “Not sad. No mourning. Just piss you off?”

“The way you’re acting right now? Yup. In fact, I’m tempted to shoot you myself. I’ve been practicing and I have surprising accuracy.”

“Oh, nice.” He throws his hands up. “Way to show your loyalty.”

“You threatened Luc with a gun once. I thought that was the game we were playing.”

“I wouldn’t have shot him!”

I roll my eyes. “That’s convenient for you to say right now, now that you’re up on your soapbox. But the jury’s still out on whether I pull the trigger. Your bad attitude pisses me off.”

“Bad attitude? Bad att…” He turns to Oz. Then to Jules. Turning away, he throws his hands up again. “Someone else have a go. I can’t deal with brats. I’m going to find my criminal and give him three seconds to sing. If he doesn’t, he loses the opportunity.”

“No!” I push my chair back until it slams against the wall, sprint around my sister, and crash into Alex in the doorway. “You don’t give him three seconds. And you don’t give him ultimatums. He won’t respond to those. Let me talk to him.” Before Alex finishes shaking his head, I push him back and risk thirty days in lockup for assaulting the chief.

I need to get to Kane first. I need to talk sense into him.

I’d move to Bumfuck Kentucky with him. I’d live on a chicken farm and raise goats and llamas. I’d do anything if it kept him safe and out of Abel’s hands.

Two sets of heavy boots race to catch me as I sprint down the hall. I slide along the smooth concrete near the cell door and cry out at the empty space. I spin to search for him, as though he might be hiding behind a bar.

But it’s empty.

He’s gone.

“Nice, Jess.” Chest heaving, hand on his hip, Alex glares. “He cares about you. He cares how you feel. He’s not a bad man. Did you plan a prison break together?”

“No.” My hands shake.

“Did he tell you where he was going?”

“No.” My chest crushes my heart.

“Did he tell you he loves you back?Ever?”


Turning, Alex shakes me until my teeth snap together. “He’s not a good man, Jess! He shot at an officer tonight. He’s a killer. He works for criminals.”


“He. Used. You. He’s been playing you all along. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. He used you. How does that feel?”

Worse than death.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark