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“You need to get away from that guy, Blondie. You need to stay away from Infernos.”

She stills. Bottom lip wobbling, her bright eyes spill over. “Infernos…” Her breath hitches. “How did you know?”

“I knoweverything. I’m not mad at you, baby, I promise. But you need to get away from him. He’s dangerous, and that club will kill you. Get away. Leave him. He won’t let you go, so you have to be strong enough. You have to show me the fighter inside you, you need to take your ass back out to that office, and you need to file reports. Have him charged.”

I’ll give her the option to do it the legal way. To stand up and help herself. But that man won’t reach trial. He won’t live long enough.

She no longer fights my hold. Instead, her chest presses to mine, and iron bars are the only things that stand between us. “He won’t let me go. He said he’d kill me.”

He won’t touch her again. “I’lltake care of him, I promise. You know me now. You know I’ll make you safe. Run away.” A second set of steps echo in the hall and come closer. I have a million things I want to say to her. A million promises I can’t keep. A million requests I want to make.

Kane Bishop can never truly be with Jess Lenaghan.

But he can save her.

I was put here, in this place, in this time, to make her safe.

I close my eyes and yank her closer before the chief’s deputy gets here. Winding my hand into her hair, I pull her in until our lips clash and her breath slams into my lungs. Bringing my second hand up and squeezing my arm through the bars, I bring her in until our hips touch and her breasts press to my chest.

This is my last chance to ever touch her. My last chance to ever kiss her.

I slide my tongue past her lips and frown at the way she freezes up.

At the lack of heat.

At the lack of anything.

Not once since I met her have we lacked heat.


I stumble back like I’ve been shot. Jess’ hands shake as she presses them to her lips, her chest heaving as her eyes spill over.

Then I look to my left and find another Jess with murderous rage sparkling in her eyes.

Back to the Jess in front of me. Terrified, tears, shaking.

Jess to my left, so much fucking rage I might die tonight, but not at Abel’s hands.

“What…” My brain can’t compute. One with hair down and messed from my hands. The other with her hair up, sleek and beautiful. “I don’t…”

“Is there a reason you’re making out with my sister, Kane Bishop? Whilebehind bars?” Storming forward, Jess slams her hands on the bars. “What the fuck, Bishop?”

“Your sister?” My eyes inevitably snap back to the first woman. The scared one. “Your…” My eyes go to the angry one. “Twins?”

“Yes, you stupid ass! I’ve told you about her a million times.”

“You never said you were a twin!”

Eyes wide with sass, she bounces on the balls of her feet. “You’rekissing my sister, but somehowI’mthe one in trouble right now?”

“I wasn’t kissing your sister. I was kissing you!”

“Obviously not!” She reaches through the bars and yanks me forward by the collar of my shirt. Winding her arm back, she slaps my forehead and shocks the fuck out of me more than any punch to the face could manage. “I’m over here, dumbass. And that’s my sister! Stop kissing my sister!”

“I was kissing you!”

She literally growls the way she did when I said she had to practice at the shooting range. Turning to the other clone, to the crying twin, she links their fingers and pulls her in close. “I know he’s big and scary lookin’, but don’t let him freak you out. He’s doesn’t normally grab unsuspecting women in the street and kiss them.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark