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Lila’s attention was suddenly taken by the glow of light in her eyes. She blinked down to her left hand, where the stone on her brand-new engagement ring sparkled at her. She smiled at it, recalling the moment Mason had slid it onto her finger.

They were right here in Moony’s a couple of weeks ago. They were closing the diner for the night, dancing together between tasks like they so often did. Mason held her a little closer when the song ended.

“What’s happening?” she asked

“I wanna you hold right now.”

“You can hold me forever.” She happily sighed before he kissed her.

“You mean that?”

“Of course, I do. How can you even ask? You’ve been talking about having babies with me since well before our first official date.”

“True,” he chuckled. “So then, I guess I should make that official.” One of his hands went to his pocket, and he pulled it back out, holding something pinched between his thumb and index. “Lila Ford, please marry me.”

She gasped and blinked at the ring and then back to Mason a few times. “Is this serious?”

“Yup. Will you? Marry me?”


That moment would forever be one of her favorites. She would always remember that night. Tonight would be another special evening she would never forget. It was strange to think that today was Mason’s and her engagement party. Only a few short months ago, Lila didn’t even know that a man like Mason existed. She had no clue that he would come into her life and change absolutely everything.

But, lord, was she happy he had.

Moony’s was closed for regular business, but all the locals had already been invited to the engagement party Lila and Mason were throwing in their diner … the place they had officially met and fallen in love.

“You look lovely,” Mason whispered in her ear. “As always, of course. But I gotta admit. This dress is basically gonna make me lose my mind if I don’t see it on the ground in the next couple of hours.”

She giggled and patted his cheek. “Behave, Mason. We have guests. Besides, don’t forget that we are literally the guests of honor. If we try to sneak away for a quickie, I’m pretty sure people will notice.”

He waved her off. “Maybe, maybe not. I’d be willing to take that chance. Wouldn’t you?” He grinned at her and wiggled his eyebrows.

“You two are not gonna pull a vanishing act, are you?” Bobbie asked, coming toward them.

“Busted,” Mason grumbled in her ear with a laugh. “Hey, Bobbie. Keep my girl company for a second, will you? I wanna make sure the high school kids are doing things the right way in the kitchen. You’ll kill me if they mess with your system.” He scampered off, no doubt giving Lila the time to broach the first part of their plan.

“You better make sure they’re not ruining my grill!” Bobbie called out. “Wow, is it ever great to have a night off. I’m gonna sit down and enjoy a drink.” Bobbie patted Lila’s shoulder before joining her wife at one of the tables.

From across the diner, Lila could see Danielle and Cohen bickering over their favorite booth. Grinning to herself, she made her way over and slid in beside Danielle to stare at Cohen. She tapped her best friend’s leg in greeting. “Is this really how you two will be spending the evening? Fighting over a seat? You should be mingling. Did neither of you bring a date?” She tried not to giggle at the impossible thought. Neither one of them was into dating. “You do remember you could, right? Bring someone. Dates. People you kiss at the end of the night. Maybe do a little more than …”

“I’m enjoying being single,” Danielle cut, glaring at her.

“I don’t think it would be very professional of me to date in my town,” Cohen grumbled.

“Not your town,” Danielle mumbled under her breath.

Lila saw Cohen’s head snap up. He shot her a very angry look, but it was obviously a conversation they often had. Just like the booth, it was something else they liked to give each other shit for.

Yup. Mason and her plan was definitely going to be interesting.

“It’s my town, given that I am here to protect it.”

“Right.Protect.” Danielle gave him a meaningful look that Lila didn’t quite understand. These two obviously spent way more time together than they let on.

Interesting. This might be easier than I thought it would be.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal