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Her dark eyes glazed with desire, her mouth parted, and I fucked her faster and deeper until I felt her fall apart, her pussy milking me for all I had. She was fucking gorgeous.

A shudder rippled down my spine and I blew my load right into her tight, hot pussy, and the most powerful orgasm of my life cut through me.

Fuck. Me.

Her body slumped back into me as if she sought out comfort from me. Little did she know, I only brought havoc. Never comfort.

I used my hand to turn her head towards me, and for the first time in my life, I was tempted to kiss a woman. Not just a woman; this woman.

She must have felt the same urge, because her eyes lingered on my mouth.

I was fucked. So fucked!



Vasili drummed his fingers on the surface of his desk. He liked to keep his hands busy. I preferred when people didn’t move and definitely didn’t talk. I fucking hated talkers. I leaned against the wall, waiting, my arms folded.

“I have an idea,” Vasili finally broke the silence. When I didn’t move, he continued, “Do you want to hear it?”

I cocked my eyebrow. It must not be a good idea if he had to voice it. Usually Vasili was about telling, not sharing ideas. And definitely not about asking for input. It was probably why Sasha rebelled all the time. I didn’t care either way. If I liked the idea, I’d help him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t.

Just as I did with Cassio and his gang, which is the reason I liked working with them.

“No?” Vasili questioned.

“You’re going to tell me your idea anyhow,” I clipped. “So why ask?”

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Vasili was agitated. It was a rare occurrence these days. Isabella, my half-sister from my mother’s side, eased him.She made it all worth it, Vasili said. Good for them. I was happy both of my half-siblings found each other. And no, Vasili and Isabella had no blood connections. I shared a father with Vasili and mother with Isabella.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Vasili had a cool head, but he didn’t handle threats to his family well. Truthfully, none of us did. Not Cassio or his brother. Not Luciano. Not Nico. Every single one of us went ballistic when our family was threatened.

The belles and mobster agreement was one of those threats, and we all worked hard to eliminate it. It ended with Marco King and things had eased up on women’s trafficking. Mainly because the entire coast refused to accommodate anyone smuggling humans. Killing Benito and Marco King served as a good example to any other idiot who thought they’d run an agreement like that. Or any kind of human trafficking.

But there would always be a villain that didn't get the memo and someone for us to fight. Ivan Petrov was our current target. The shadow ghost that the FBI had been chasing for years. The man that I personally wanted to see dead. The man that now threatened my family.

“We can’t keep letting that fucker take boys,” Vasili growled. “And he goes too far by even insinuating he’d take Nikola.”

Another boy was kidnapped. In broad daylight, surrounded by people. In the middle of a busy street in New Orleans. Ivan Petrov was behind all the kidnappings. It was his signature. The kidnapped boy was the right age and physique for what that bastard looked for. Besides, the message Ivan left behind was clearly directed at me.

You didn’t pay your debt.

Your nephew will.

No signature needed. I knew Ivan would eventually come to collect. He never left a debt unsettled. The only way to avoid paying a debt to that bastard was with death. But then you kind of paid the ultimate debt, didn’t you?

Fucking, twisted psychopath!

Though to this day, I didn’t regret my decision from all those years ago. He wanted the little girl with dark eyes and even darker hair. She was supposed to be a lesson used to teach her father, who happened to be governor then and was a senator today, what happened when you double-crossed Ivan Petrov. But it wasn’t the little girl’s debt to pay. So I betrayed him. The little girl and I escaped Ivan’s clutches.

But the boy didn’t. Her brother.

Guilt about it still clawed at me. Knowing that the boy had to go through the same goddamn hell I lived through. Nobody should have to endure that shit. And I was responsible for the kid’s hell by leading Ivan to him and his sister.

Tags: Eva Winners Belles & Mobsters Crime