Page 38 of After We Fall

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That made the whole thing feel even more sneaky. I secretly loved it. I was coming to crave my skin-to-skin time with him. Yet it was doing absolutely nothing to achieve my goal of burning him out of my system.

I kept telling myself I wasn't going to catch feelings for him. I couldn't help the thrill of anticipation that sizzled through me when I opened the door Friday and found him alone on the couch.

“Where's Cat?” I asked.

He glanced my way, and the heat banked in his gaze sent my belly into a wild flip. “She's staying in town tonight with a friend.”


I felt the burn of his gaze on me as I hung my jacket up and kicked off my shoes. My purse fell to the floor with a thud.

Every night with him had been fiery hot, and now we didn't have to keep it quiet. All that pent-up tension was like an engine revving too hard and fast in my body.

As soon as I began crossing the room, he stood from the couch. We reached each other in two strides. His hand slid into my hair as he dipped his head and fit his mouth over mine. Our kiss combusted. Sparks and smoke practically flew from the force of the explosion. We were hungry for each other, near frantic as we tugged at each other’s clothes.

“Fuck, Harley,” he groaned.

I unbuttoned his jeans, quickly sliding my palm down. I was greedy to feel him. My hand closed around his velvety-hot length, and I shifted my thighs, already wet and needy for him.

“Well, that's the point, isn't it?” I murmured as I strung kisses across his now bare chest.

His throaty chuckle sent tingles spinning like little pinwheels of sparks over my skin. I needed to taste him. Impatient, I shoved his jeans and boxers down at once, and his cock sprang free.

I leaned over, swirling my tongue around the tip, savoring the salty tang of his cum. His fingers laced in my hair, and the sting on my scalp spun into the rest of the sensations stampeding through my body.

“Fuck, sweetheart. Not yet,” he growled.

My mouth closed around him, and I sucked him in deeply. His hand fisted more tightly in my hair as I curled my palm around his wet length, letting it slide up and down. I teased him with my mouth and tongue, sucking deeply again.

“Harley…” He let out a groan just before his cum spurted into my mouth.

“I was impatient,” I explained as I rose up, swiping my tongue across my bottom lip.

Grant’s eyes darkened. “Your turn,” he murmured in a low whisper.

He spun me around. He'd already divested me of my shirt, and he trailed his knuckles lightly along the lace edge of my bra. My nipples tightened in anticipation. A moment later, cool air hit them as he undid the clasp and pushed my bra off my shoulders.

“Hmm, where should I start?” His fingers trailed down the side of my neck, sending goose bumps prickling over the surface of my skin.

His touch was as light as air and barely a whisper, but it felt like flames licking over my skin. That fiery touch trailed down, teasing one nipple and then the other as he watched me. My channel was clenching.

“Grant,” I begged.

“Oh, no, sweetheart. You bought yourself a ticket to me taking my time. I need to get ready for round two.”

My mouth fell open with a little gasp when he lightly pinched a nipple. His mouth followed, closing around my nipple and giving a sharp suck. I cried out. Even the feel of his low chuckle on my skin was yet another sensation, something else to amp up the need driving me.

He teased my breasts, my thoughts blurring as fierce desire rushed through me. He hadn’t even unbuttoned my jeans yet. I started to get impatient and reached between us, but he pushed my hands away.

“That's for me.”

I was acquainted with Grant’s maddening tendency to drag things out. I knew what lay at the end of this torture—an explosive, body-shattering orgasm.

So I acquiesced. By the time he finally unbuttoned my jeans and shoved them down over my hips, my panties were drenched. He pushed them to the side, teasing his fingers in my folds, murmuring, “Just for me.”

I bit my lip, trying to keep from crying out. Another moment later, he had me stretched out on the couch and was pushing my knees apart. I felt the subtle burn of his stubble when he dropped hot kisses on the inside of each thigh. He finally,finally, brought his mouth to my sex.

My hips bucked into him instantly. He already knew me well. He knew just what to do to bring me to the edge. He fucked me slow and sure with his fingers while his tongue teased me to near incoherence. A flash of pleasure finally burst in a ray through my body. My mind went blank as I cried out, and the orgasm hit me in deep waves with the pleasure running through so forcefully that I was nearly limp.

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance