Page 28 of After We Fall

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“What?” I asked, grabbing onto my prickly response to him like it was a lifeline.

“I was just wondering if you were about to point at me again.”

My forefinger literally itched. “No, and why would you say that?” I retorted.

“Because you do it all the time, Harley. Not just to me.”

I was already simmering with the heat of my raw lust for him. I got even hotter, my anger stirring the cauldron of desire. “No, I don’t.”

“Should I ask your brother, or maybe everybody else who knows you?” he countered dryly.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. So what if I do?”

He shrugged. “You were about to say something. What did you want?”

One more step and I was right in front of him with mere inches separating us. Grant was all coiled strength and heat and energy. And I wanted him.

I curled my fist around his shirt, tugging him down and murmuring, “This,” right before our mouths collided.

Our kiss exploded instantly with our tongues practically at war. Grant shifted closer, his palm landing between my shoulder blades and sliding down my back. His touch was a burning path of heat.

I let out a gasp when his palm curved over my bottom, pressing me tight against his arousal. We broke apart.

I knew my eyes were wide with a combination of shock and need.

“This is stupid,” he said flatly.

“No, it's not,” I insisted even though a big part of me knew he had a point.

“No?” His gravelly voice sent shivers through me.

“It doesn't have to be anything but this.”

“This kiss?” he pressed.

I knew he was daring me to clarify, daring me to take it further.

“Just us, friends with benefits. Nothing more than that.” Recklessness and need drove me.

“That's a recipe for complications,” he pointed out.

If I was in the mood for logic, I would’ve agreed with him. “No, it's not. You don't want a relationship, and neither do I. We've been busy avoiding each other. This way, we don't have to do that. This will scratch the itch, and it'll go away.”

I mentally congratulated myself on that twisted logic.

He studied me quietly for several beats. “You think it'll go away?” His tone was laced with doubt.

I nodded, waiting with my pulse thrumming at an all-out gallop and flickers of heat lighting little fires everywhere inside me.

He finally nodded before dipping his head again and claiming my mouth. He took complete control of our kiss.

He held me fast against him. I could feel the brand of his arousal pressed at the apex of my thighs. I was wet and restless, shifting my thighs to relieve the ache and feeling the slick moisture already drenching my panties.

The sound of the front door opening and closing reached us. We broke apart quickly, practically leaping away from each other.

“It’s just a guest,” I whispered between ragged breaths.

“Yeah, and they can walk in here. Come on.” Grant grabbed my hand.

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance