Page 20 of After We Fall

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“Fuck, Harley,” he whispered.

His knuckles trailed across the tops of my breasts as he lowered his head. His tongue teased just above the silk before he dipped lower, his mouth closing over one of my nipples through the silk. My finger speared his hair, and I cried out sharply.

He lifted his head again. “You're so fucking sexy.”

I opened my mouth to argue. He put a finger over my lips. “Don't argue with me.”

I fumbled to reach for his shirt, demanding, “Take your shirt off.”

“Yes, ma'am,” he returned, his lips curling in a sly smile as he reached behind his head.

He yanked his shirt off, and then all of that muscle was pressed against me. His skin was warm to the touch and felt like fire against mine. The contrast of his hard-muscled chest against my softness was intoxicating.

Sensations overrode my sanity. It was as if the fuse box in my brain was flicked off. All reason was overridden by the pure need, want, and fire storming through my system.

His palm splayed on my lower back and then slid up my spine, levering me forward as he fit his mouth to mine in a devouring, claiming kiss. Grant was such an easygoing guy, always quick with a smile and lightness to his laugh. I didn't expect this intensity, this edge of possessiveness.

Our tongues dueled, and I felt myself tumbling, my need for control falling to the wayside in the rush of this tide of desire to simply let myself be claimed by this man. And claim me, he did. One devouring kiss after another.

His hands mapped my body, cupping my breasts and teasing them until I was begging, “Grant, please…”

His low chuckle against my skin sent fire licking over the surface. My bra fell away, and his lips closed over a nipple. The hot shock of it released a ragged cry from me. I rocked my hips over his thick swollen length nestled at the apex of my thighs. The rough friction created by our clothes generated this sweet, piercing pleasure that was spinning and cresting in little waves. I felt my release teetering, and I wanted it so bad.

Grant murmured, “Hang on.”

He set me back off his lap. I felt bereft and nearly protested.

He had so much more control than I did. He unbuttoned my jeans, and his fingers slipped between my thighs as he shoved them down. I was wet, dripping wet, slippery with arousal. His eyes held mine, and I couldn't look away as he delved into the very heart of me. With my jeans still half on, the friction was intense. His fingers pumped in and out, the heel of his palm riding over my clit again and again.

I tried to cling to some control, but I couldn't. My orgasm hit me abruptly, those tiny waves of pleasure rolling into a massive, crashing release. I let out a choked cry as I shuddered all over, my knees giving out as he pulled me onto his lap.

The pleasure seemed to go on and on and on, finally slowing with tiny waves lapping through me. I was limp and sated as I sat there curled against him. He slowly withdrew his fingers, and I dragged my eyes open. He was watching me, looking as stunned as I felt, which was a relief.

I nearly came again when he lifted his fingers and licked them, murmuring, “I need to know what you taste like.”

He dropped his hand and kissed me again. I tasted the subtle tang of my own arousal against his lips. A moment later, he lifted his head, murmuring, “Cat will be here any minute.”

I scrambled off his lap, and we yanked our clothes back on in a rush. I glanced at the clock, realizing she usually did get here around this time because she did baking prep for the following morning. Just then, I heard her footsteps on the stairs.



“Grant?” Skylar prompted, waving her hand in front of my face.

“Hmm?” I glanced down.

She looked up, her big blue eyes blinking at me. “You with me here, dude?”

“Oh yeah, sorry.”

Tucker, one of the other pilots and Skylar’s boyfriend, approached. “I have room.”

“For what?” I asked.

Skylar glanced at Tucker and then back at me, rolling her eyes. “You are seriously out of it today.”

“What are you talking about?”

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance