Page 29 of Brutal Savage

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It sits in the corner of the outside patio, overlooking the city. Lights flicker across the inky waters, illuminating the ferries and small boats going from one side to the other. There’s a slight, cool breeze that slips along my bare arms. And, best of all, it’s quiet. I can still hear the usual city sounds of honking and sirens, but it’s muted this high up. Out here, I feel almost peaceful.

“Would you like another glass?” The waiter stops at my table, already reaching for the bottle in ice I’d ordered.

“Yes, please.” I slide my wine glass over to the side, waiting as he poured.

In my head, I tell myself this is the last glass. If Killian isn’t here by the time I’m done with it, then I’ll leave, and he can forget about this being a civil arrangement. I don’t even know why I even bothered to dress up tonight. I chose a simple, yet elegant dress in shades of emerald. The bodice wraps around my waist in soft fabric, tying together low in the back. My fingers twist in the skirt, the inverted chiffon and silk falling just above my knees. I know I look hot tonight. Too bad I wasted such a gorgeous dress on what I know will be a disaster of a…date. If I can even call it that.

I sip slowly, watching the city.

The only things I knew about Killian Scarano was that he was the second son, never had much responsibility, and drank way too much. The tabloids loved him, always releasing the latest news of the youngest Scarano until last year when the Snake had nearly taken everything from the Italians. Since then, Killian had dropped out of the party scene, but I still can’t believe someone could change just like that. Maybe the Italians are keeping his antics under wrap just to save face after what they’d gone through.

Not knowing if this was all some sort of facade irritated me. This is the man I’m supposed to pledge my life to until death do us part. The man who I’ll have to depend on. The thought of turning over all control to Killian made my stomach clench.

I’ve always known that I would marry more for convenience than love, but that still didn’t make this scenario any more comfortable. My father had always pushed duty to our family first before anything else. He’d tolerated my desire to go to university and hadn't even been that impressed when I’d gotten into Columbia University. I’d tried to convince him that majoring in business would help the family in the long run, but he’d always brushed it off as a fanciful dream of mine. I wonder if Killian would be the same.

“So, you’ve started without me?” Killian slides into the seat across from me, unbuttoning his suit jacket.

“You’re late,” I reply flatly, setting my glass back on the table.

He shoots me a smile that I’m sure would have dazzled anyone else. “I’m not late. You’re just early.”

I snort, waving the waiter back over. “Well, since I was early, I already know what I’d like to order. He can come back to take yours.” The waiter stops by my side as I tell him what I want. It’s always the same; grilled Fourchu lobster with Parmesan pangrattato.

Killian’s eyebrows jerk up. “I’ll have the same,” he says confidently. Reaching across the table, he swiftly grabs the menu resting in front of me before handing it to the waiter. The man nods once, heading back to the kitchens.

I study him for a moment, taking another sip of wine to give me time. His dark gray suit is perfectly tailored, the crisp white shirt free of wrinkles. His hair is gelled slightly, mussed in a way that looks as if he’d just rolled out of bed. There’s scruff along his jaw, barely a five o’clock shadow that somehow makes him look both put together and rugged at the same time. He catches me watching him, the corners of his lips tilting slightly.

“Enjoying the view?” he asks mildly.

My eyes dart to the railing overlooking the city. “I’ve seen better.”

“Oh, come on. With a scene like this?” He shifts in his seat, drawing my attention back to him. The smile is gone now, replaced with something I can’t quite decipher. “Why did you ask me to come?”

I clear my throat, condensation from my chilled glass slipping over my fingers. “If we’re going to be…forced to…work together, then I thought it would be a good idea to actually get to know one another. To build trust.” I let the words hang between us.

His eyes narrow slightly, teeth dragging across his lower lip. Something hot curls in my stomach at the look. “You want to get to know me.” It’s not a question, so I don’t answer. “Well, if you insist.” Leaning back, his hands go wide as if asking what’s next.

“Why did you want to become underboss?” The question slips off my tongue before I can stop it.

He laughs in surprise. The sound makes me jolt. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him truly laugh before. Not like this. “That’s your first question? Getting to the heavy stuff first, huh?” He leans forward, elbows resting on the table as he studies me over his fists. “Why don’t we start with something simpler?”


“What do you like to do for fun?”

I frown. “I’m a business student at Columbia.”

“Columbia?” He stares at me, seeming put off by my reply. As if it’s so hard to believe that a woman like me could get into an ivy league school. “That’s…impressive.”

I bristle automatically. “Do you go to school?” I know for a fact that he’d dropped out his junior year at Columbia.

Something dangerous flashes behind his eyes in warning. “You didn’t answer my question. What do you do for fun?”

“School is fun,” I tell him honestly. “I like the hard work.”

He’s still staring at me with an inscrutable look. Without warning, he stands, jerks his chair beside mine, and plops back down. Heat flares along my thigh as his hand skims over the fabric of my dress. “I could show you what fun really is,” he offers. I shiver at the darkness lacing his words.

His hand inches up my thigh, trailing a blaze of heat along my skin. My eyes dart across the patio, but we’re too secluded for anyone else to notice what he’s doing. The napkin twists between my fingers as my cheeks burn. He glides his fingers expertly beneath the stretchy material, brushing against the sensitive skin.

Tags: Ana West Romance