Page 62 of Merciless Royals

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Killian snatched the phone, swiping through the photos Dante had taken at the auction hall, frowning. Realization slowly swept across his face. “What the hell is this?” He passed the phone to David.

“That,” Dante said flatly, “is only half of the records I found in one of those back offices. But it’s enough proof to back our revenge plan. With this, none of the other crime families can claim we overstepped by killing the Snake and give them an excuse to come after this when it’s all over.”

“Protection,” David muttered. “This would be enough to at least have a solid case against the Snake.” Dante shot him a look. “I mean, if you were going to take him to court. Which, clearly, you’re not.” He coughed to cover up his slip-up, handing the phone back to Dante.

“Fuck protection later. We need protection now,” Killian hissed. “Or did you just forget the part where the Snake sent literal assassins after you two? They weren’t just hired guns, either. These men were from across the Atlantic. Fucking Aegis agents.”

My head snapped up. “How do you know?”

“Because I saw their literal company logo on one of the mercenary’s vest on a viral video online?” Killian pulled up the video, showing it to us. “The Snake hired the damn Aegis to go after you.”

The Aegis was a private security firm that was made up of former U.S. Army Special Forces veterans and Delta Force personnel. They were big hotshots with over five thousand mercenaries in their employ and contracted by both legal companies—including federal departments—and criminal families alike across the world. If they were hired to take us down, then this was becoming more serious by the second. My family had never needed to hire them, but we’d certainly heard of them. They were a legal version of mercenaries

“We’ll figure it out,” Dante said, gritting his teeth. “We’ve faced worse.”

“No,” Killian shot back, “we haven’t. None of us have except maybe the suit over there.” He hitched a thumb towards David. “And even then, I’m pretty sure he was mostly a pencil pusher.”

David didn’t even have the energy to bristle at the insult. But I did. “That’s enough, Killian. Don’t lose your head when the water gets hot.”

He looked away, slumping back down onto the couch. “So, what is our next move? We have nothing.”

“We’ll figure it out,” I replied coolly. “We just need some time.”

“Something we never had much of.”

“Can you stop?” I snapped. “We already have enough shit to deal with at the moment. We don’t need your fucking negativity. Now, shut the hell up so we can fucking think.” Killian looked as if he wanted to argue, his mouth opening.

A sound at the door made us all freeze, with David and Dante reaching for the guns scattered across the table. Cocking back the safety, David stood, stepping towards the window. I headed straight for the door. If it had been someone trying to kill us, they wouldn’t have made enough noise to raise the alarm.

A piece of paper had been shoved beneath the doorway. I picked it up just as David peeked through the window behind the curtain. Dante came up behind me, watching over my shoulder. I unfolded the paper, smoothing it out, reading the words quickly.

My heart seemed to stop, the pulse at my neck fluttering dangerously. With shaking fingers, I handed Dante the paper, unable to speak. His eyes flicked over the message, surprise flashing across his face.

“She’s alive?” His voice was so low that I almost didn’t hear him.

“I—I don’t know.” My eyes caught his, knowing it was too good to be true but unable to keep my hopes from rising anyway.

“What is it?” Killian asked from the doorway. David appeared over his shoulder.

I turned, trying to find the words. “Gemma might be alive.”



Sienna bolted to the bedroom, and I followed, knowing exactly what her plan was. She would tell us that she had to go alone, that she had to save Gemma without us. Over my dead fucking body. I stalked up the stairs after her even while she purposely ignored me. I wasn’t going to let her out of my sight now, not after getting that note.

Killian and David went out to see if they could find the fucker who had slid it under the door, but I doubted they would find anyone at all. If the Snake was behind this, then they were already ten steps ahead. They were already setting up the final scene, ensuring they had full control over the where and when. And Sienna was falling right into that trap.

By the time I reached our bedroom, Sienna was already stripping out of the shorts and tank top, pulling on jeans and a t-shirt. I stood in the doorway, watching her silently. When she turned to leave, I blocked her exit, leaning my arm against the door frame. The monster within growled, refusing to let her leave. It knew as well as I did that this wasn’t a fucking option.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I growled, my eyes dragging down her body.

“To save my best friend,” she snapped. “Now move.”

“Do I need to take a belt to your pretty little ass again?” My eyebrow rose. The threat made her hesitate, but only for a second.

“You don’t own me,” she snarled.

Tags: Ana West Romance