Page 33 of Merciless Royals

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Killian’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?”

Killian had taken to the news a lot faster than I had. He was already coming up with names—something I don’t even think Sienna had even thought about just yet. It was less of a surprise to him than it had been for us.

“Please,” he begged, “if it’s a boy, name him after me. He can be Killian 2.0. Kill Jr.”

“Yeah, I’m not doing that,” I told him firmly. “Not in a million years.”

“That’s just rude.”

My phone buzzed from my pocket, interrupting Killian’s monologue of how it was one hundred percent a good idea to name my first child after him. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, checking the ID….and immediately told Killian to shut up.

My eyes scanned the message quickly. Cain had actually come through, messaging me the details of the job along with a slightly threatening hint that he’d cash in on his payment later. Killian stood, straining to see the screen over my shoulder.

“What does it say?” he asked.

I pushed him away. “The job is in two days at our own shipyard. Our own fucking docks.”

Killian’s eyes went wide. “So, not only has the Snake poached our men, but they’re literally using our shit now too?”

“Looks like it,” I bit out. Standing, I headed towards the stairs. David and Sienna would need to know about this as soon as possible, given the fact that we only had forty-eight hours to come up with a plan good enough to trap Ivan.

Taking the stairs two at a time, it didn’t take long to wake David and catch him up. He grabbed a jacket before telling me to get Sienna and meet him back downstairs. I guessed sleep would have to wait. Moving down the hall, I hesitated at our bedroom door. Sienna really did need some rest, and I could always catch her up tomorrow morning. But, knowing her, she’d be pissed if I did that.

My knuckles rapped on the wood, waiting for her to answer. When I didn’t hear anything, I opened the door, thinking she had already fallen asleep. Light spilled into the room from the hallway. It crossed the floor, falling across the bed.

The empty bed.

A sinking feeling in my gut told me she wasn’t just in the bathroom. I checked anyway, tearing the door open. Nothing. The window beside the bed was still open, letting in the chilly night air. Snarling, I slammed it shut, trying to catch my breath as I stared around the room.

I had no idea why she’d left. I had no idea where she’d go.

Stalking back downstairs, the others looked up as soon as I entered the kitchen.

“Where’s Sienna?” Killian asked. “Is she sleeping?”

“No,” I growled. “She’s fucking gone.”



Gemma called me almost as soon as I reached the bedroom. At first, I wasn’t about to answer it. I didn’t want to get her involved in all of this, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut if she asked. She was my best friend. Sometimes, it was hard to keep things about this life from her. But I couldn’t just ignore her.

“Sienna? Where are you?” She sounded frantic, close to tears.

I glanced behind me, making sure no one else was in the hall before shutting the door. “Why? What’s wrong?”

“I can’t find my father.”

Blowing out a breath, I tried to still my beating heart. I thought it was more serious. “Maybe he’s just late getting home or something.”

‘No, Sienna. You don’t understand. I haven’t seen him for two days. The last time I saw him was before we went out that night to The Salamander.” Her voice wobbled. “He hasn’t been home since.”

I slumped down on the mattress, thinking. I hadn’t exactly spoken to Mateo since then either. I’d assumed he was busy taking over my duties while I was out. “Hold on a second.” I muted the mic as I switched over to our emails. There was no activity there, though countless encrypted messages had been received. Apparently, he hadn’t been handling anything.

“Do you know where he might be?” I asked, re-opening the call. There had to be a reason for Mateo to go MIA.

“He said he was…following a lead.” I could hear Gemma struggling to get the words out. “On the Snake.”

Tags: Ana West Romance