Page 20 of Combust

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Pride at this group of girls bubbles up in my chest. Are we ready to take on another team? Probably not, but what we do have is good bones. If the bones are good, then we can build anything on top of them. Today, these girls proved to me they can take direction well and they can work as a team. While the decision to work with them wasn’t exactly what I’d thought I’d be doing, I’m glad I accepted.

And doing it with Natalie?

I’m beginning to realize that’s going to be the best part of this situation.



“You sure Gaugewants to see us?” Trinity asks as we park at the rehab center.

“Of course he wants to see us,” I assure her, turning my car off. I grab my purse before getting out and waiting for her to do the same. We meet at the back, next to the trunk, before we start walking to the entrance. “Who wouldn’t want to see us. I mean, we’re joyful people to have around.”

She giggles, holding my hand as we cross the street. “We are joyful. Maybe I should’ve brought him my favorite stuffed animal?”

“I’m sure he would’ve appreciated that.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.”

Grinning down at her, I squeeze her hand. “You’re thoughtful, Trin.”

“So are you,” she answers. “You ask me how my day at school was and you always make things I like for dinner when Dad’s not there.”

“Does he not do that?” I chuckle, holding a hand up in thank you at a car who has stopped for us to cross.

In the reflection of the doors, her nose wrinkles up. “It’s always either pizza or pulled pork.”

“No mac and cheese to speak of, huh?”

She shakes her head. “With pizza, it’s a side salad. Withthe pulled pork, it’s a baked potato. I tried to tell him I like green beans the other day, but he just didn’t get it.”

I make a mental note to talk to Cam about how he’s feeding his daughter. It’s not that I want to tell him what to do, but it’s obvious she needs more than what he’s giving. “I’ll talk to him.”

“Thank you.” The smile directed toward me is missing its front tooth.

Vividly, I remember the day we pulled it.

“It’s really loose, Nat,” she says as she makes it wiggle with her tongue.

We’ve been watching the tooth for about a week, keeping track of how loose it’s getting and if we should go ahead and try to pull it. “Let’s get a good look at it.”

She opens her mouth, showing me the tooth again. It’s definitely looser than it was previously.

“What do you think, Nat?”

“Do you want me to try?” I ask. This is the first tooth I’m helping her with and it’s special. It makes me wonder if her mom thinks about what she’s missing. I never knew Rebecca, not really. While she, Cam, and Gauge had been friends in high school and hung out together, I’d been busy playing softball. Trying to see if I could make both my and the dream of the entire community come true. It had been all I could handle. My mind was on a track and that track was pushing me straight away from our small town and toward the bright lights of Olympic gold.

I’d fallen short when I’d been placed as an alternate, instead of a starter. It was then I realized everything I’d given up to chase something that wasn’t guaranteed. While a part of me is thankful I got to have experiences that most people never get, another part is sad I missed so much of growing up.

With Trinity, I’m getting to experience a lot of what I previously missed. I’m extremely grateful that she lets me be a part of her life.

“Yeah.” She nods. “Give it a try.”

“Okay, wanna hold my hand?”

Her small hand grips mine. “Is it gonna hurt?”

“I hope not, but I won’t lie to you. Sometimes it does. You’ve lost a tooth before.”

Tags: Laramie Briscoe Romance