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He laughs his sexy, deep laugh. “You are the only person on this planet who could get me to willingly kneel before them.” The soft bite he gives my bottom lip has me letting out a moan and holding him tighter. “I find myself doing a lot of things for you that I would never do for anyone else.”

“I’m glad. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel special.”

“You are special.” He gives me a sinfully wicked grin that sets my heart racing. “Now I’m going to take my fiancée upstairs and fuck her until she can barely move.”

“Yes, please,” I whisper against his lips and rock my hips against him, groaning when I feel the hard length of him.

He kisses me hard, carrying me to our bed, but when I reach down between us and start to undo his pants, he lets out a groan and sets me down, spinning me around so I’m pressed against the wall by the stairs. His lips kiss a line down my neck while his hands roughly yank my pants down to my knees. One hand slips under my shirt and bra, cupping my tit as I hear the unmistakable sound of his zipper being pulled down.

“I need to be inside you,” he whispers in my ear. “I can’t wait any longer.”

I part my legs even more for him and arch my ass up. He groans and grabs onto my hips, holding me still while he slowly feeds me his cock until I’m whimpering against the wall and feeling like I’m going to die if I don’t get to come soon. Reading my mind, he brings his fingers to my clit and brings his other hand to my tit, holding me tightly against him while he thrusts into me at an ever-increasing pace.

“Kolya,” I moan, already feeling the beginnings of the orgasm that’s only seconds away.

“I’ve got you, baby.” He gives the crook of my neck a soft bite and pinches my nipple while speeding up his fingers until I’m screaming his name and bucking my hips against him, desperate for every second of pleasure his thick cock can give me. When he comes, it’s with a growl and his hands gripping me so tightly that I know I’ll have a line of finger-tip size bruises on my hips tomorrow. I smile at the thought as he buries himself inside me, locking our bodies together as we slowly come down together.

“Fucking hell, baby,” he murmurs against my neck. “The things you do to me.”

I smile and turn my head to give him a kiss. “I hope I always make you so crazy for me that you can’t even wait until you get me into bed.”

He laughs and then his whole face changes when he realizes how tightly he’s been gripping me. “Shit, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“Not any more than I wanted you to.”

His fingers immediately soften against me. I reach back and run my fingers over his dark brows, smoothing away the tension. “I’m fine, Kolya. I like when you leave bruises. Every time I see them tomorrow I’ll remember this moment.”

He slides out of me before picking me up again. “I’d better give you a few more memories to think about then.”

By the time we both fall asleep, I’m so exhausted all I can do is pull the blanket over me and hike my leg over his before I let the darkness take me.

The next month goes by in a mad blur of wedding planning, work, and my quickly changing body. I wake to the day of our wedding and immediately make a run for the bathroom. Morning sickness has hit hard the last couple of weeks, and it looks like I’m not going to get a pass on one of the most important days of my life.

“Oh God,” I moan into the toilet when I feel Nikolai pull my hair back and wipe my forehead with a damp cloth. “You can’t see my like this.”

“Of course I can.” He rubs comforting circles on my back and waits patiently while my stomach empties of every damn thing it had in it and then some.

“This is so embarrassing,” I groan.

“No, beautiful, this is you going through hell so you can bring our baby into the world. There’s nothing embarrassing about it, and I’d take it all from you if I could.”

I give him a grateful smile and let him help me up and to the sink. I quickly scrub the hell out of my mouth while he goes to get me some crackers and water.

“It’s a good thing we went with an evening wedding,” he says with a grin, handing me the glass and setting the sleeve of crackers on the counter. I eye them and feel nauseated all over again. “Are you sure you feel well enough?”

I laugh and lean against the counter. “What? If I don’t feel well enough we just cancel our entire wedding?”

“Yeah,” he says as if it’s no big deal. “We’ll just reschedule it for when you feel better.”

“That’s very sweet, but I’ll be fine. It always goes away after a couple of hours.”

“I’ll run you a bath.” He doesn’t wait for a reply, just goes and starts running me a warm bath in the clawfoot tub he had installed when I mentioned how much I loved the one in Dmitri’s old apartment.

I nibble on a cracker and don’t bother arguing and instead let him take care of me. The last several weeks have taught me that arguing with Nikolai is completely pointless, especially when it comes to taking care of me. I’ve learned to just be grateful and accept whatever he wants to give me. I down a couple more crackers, already starting to feel better before walking to the tub. He eyes me like a starving man while I strip and then grabs my hand as I step into the tub and slide beneath the surface.

“Come on, Kolya,” I say, scooting up. “You know you’re dying to.”

He smiles and steps out of his boxers before getting in behind me. Sighing, I relax my body against his muscular chest as he wraps his arms around me. I laugh when he immediately cups one of my ever-increasing breasts. Although I’m not showing very much in the stomach yet, my breasts have definitely grown and so have my ass and thighs due to some funky-ass cravings of fried chicken and cherry vanilla ice cream. I was worried that Nikolai might not be as attracted to me, but every new change seems to turn him on more. If I had any doubts, the hard length of him pressing against my back is clue enough.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic