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Dmitri laughs at his son’s reaction and kisses the top of his head. “Thanks to Uncle Alyosha and Aunt Jamie, it looks like we’re going to need to get a puppy at some point.”

Gina lets out an exaggerated puff of air. “Let’s wait just a little bit on that, Dima. I’m not so sure I can handle a puppy and a baby.”

“You’re right,” he says with a grin. “We should wait so we can potty train them both at same time.”

“Exactly, much easier that way.” Gina laughs and looks at him like he’s nuts. Turning to me, her face lights up before she wraps me in a hug. “I’m so glad everything worked out,” she whispers in my ear before letting me go.

“You and me both,” I quickly whisper back before hugging Jamie and giving Aleksei and Dmitri a smile and wave.

“Oh wait, just a sec,” Nikolai says before running to the spare room down the hall. He comes back hauling a colorful activity center with enough toys to keep Sergei happy for quite a while, or at least that’s the plan.

“Uncle Kolya is always prepared,” Gina says with a laugh as Nikolai sets the seat down in the kitchen and Dmitri lowers his son into it. Sergei gives another happy squeal when Ollie puts his front paws on it. The two of them investigate the toys, already well on their way to becoming best friends.

“Damn, did you cook all this?” Aleksei asks, eyeing the ridiculous amount of food I’ve prepared.

“She did, and it’s amazing,” Nikolai says, giving me a wink. “I like to think I helped a little bit, though.” He runs his eyes over the counter he fucked me against, making my cheeks heat up in a blush. Noticing, he shoots me another wink and comes to stand next to me, wrapping a strong arm over my upper chest and pulling me back against him.

“It looks amazing,” Jamie says.

“I’m so glad I won’t have to worry anymore about you starving to death, Nikolai,” Gina says, looking downright giddy.

“No, she’s keeping me very well fed.” Nikolai smacks his rock-hard stomach like he’s on the verge of developing a beer gut and laughs. “I’m being spoiled rotten.”

“Good,” Gina says, giving me an even bigger smile. I’m surprised she manages to resist giving me a thumbs up. The expectant look on Jamie’s face tells me that she’s waiting for it just like I am, and when Gina does flip me a super quick, but not-so-subtle thumbs up, I can’t help but laugh.

“I think we all knew that was coming,” Jamie says, making us all laugh as Gina blushes and tries to play it cool.

Dmitri smiles down at her like he just fell a little more in love with her before taking the plate she hands him. Nikolai and I hang back while the others fix a plate. He leans closer and whispers in my ear. “They’re all four stunned I have actual food in my house and an amazing woman at my side.” I smile and grab onto his forearm, taking comfort in the feel of his steady presence behind me. “You make everything better,” he says, kissing my cheek and taking my breath away yet again.

When the others are done, he leads me to the counter and we grab our own plates while everyone takes a seat at the table by the wall of windows. As promised, there are now three bottles of vodka sitting in our freezer and one already opened and out on the counter. I pour a glass for Nikolai and then one for myself before we fill our plates and join the others.

“No, none for me, thanks,” Gina says, waving the bottle of vodka away that Aleksei offers her. “Tonight is Dima’s turn to have some fun.”

We’re all laughing and digging in when the doorbell rings again. Nikolai looks over at Dima and Aleksei and says, “Holy shit, he actually came this time.” He gives my hand a soft squeeze before jumping up to get the door. I know he must be talking about Vadim, the only one I’ve yet to meet, and I’m suddenly feeling nervous again. I can’t help but remember what Nikolai said to me about talking with him about the favor from the new Bratva boss.

A few seconds later, Nikolai comes walking in with a tall man in an expensive looking suit. He’s actually a few inches taller than Nikolai, which is saying something, and when his eyes scan the table, I notice they’re a unique amber color that’s so captivating it’s borderline off-putting. I imagine he’s a beast to go up against in a courtroom. Confidence radiates off him, and there’s not a single hair out of place or a wrinkle marring his perfect suit. He’s impeccably put together, and he knows it.

When his eyes land on mine, he holds out his hand and says, “You must be Moira. I’m Vadim. It’s nice to finally meet you. Sorry I’m a little late. I got held up at work.”

I shake his hand and smile back. “It’s nice to meet you, too. No worries at all. We’re just glad you could make it. Please, help yourself. I made way too much food, and I really don’t want any leftovers.”

He thanks me and takes off his suit jacket before rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. The large watch he’s wearing probably cost more than my Jeep, and I’m surprised when I see the beginnings of tattoos on both his arms. I’m guessing he keeps those hidden away when he’s standing in front of a jury.

“I can’t believe you even came at all,” Dmitri says, taking another healthy drink. “Especially since you are not being paid to be here.”

Vadim laughs and says something in Russian that has Dmitri almost choking on his drink. “God, you are such an ass,” he says, laughing and coughing until he’s got himself under control. Nikolai and Aleksei start talking in Russian, and soon they’re all laughing, and I’m reminding myself that I really need to sign up for an online class or something.

Nikolai looks at me and switches back to English, resting his hand on my thigh and giving it a soft squeeze. “So, how’s the fence working out with Ollie?” he ask Jamie and Aleksei.

“He’s a bit of an escape artist, but so far it’s keeping him contained,” Jamie says, peeking over her shoulder to make sure he and Sergei are still doing good. The puppy is sprawled out beside the colorful activity center that’s still keeping Sergei entertained, making it clear he’s tired but didn’t want to stray too far from the baby.

I look around at all the smiling faces who are eating and enjoying my food and rest my hand on top of Nikolai’s, feeling happier than I ever thought I could and hoping like hell it doesn’t ever go away. I don’t think I could take it. Before, I had no idea life could be this good, so I had no idea what I was missing, but now my eyes have been opened, and the thought that it could be taken away is enough to terrify me. It’s a fear that sits right out of reach, threatening to overwhelm me, and I know if I let it get any closer, it will completely and utterly destroy me.

Refusing to let that happen, I smile at Nikolai and take a much needed drink of vodka. For now, right this second, I have everything I could ever want, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let fear steal it from me. Nikolai gives my thigh another squeeze before caressing me with his thumb, and just that small movement is enough to calm and center me again.

The laughing and joking continues until everyone starts making their way back over to the food for either a second round or to move on to dessert. When I’m about to dig into the brownies I made, Aleksei asks, “So, what are your plans for the club, Moira?”

“Nikolai’s been helping me a lot, and I’m hoping to open it up in about a week. I’d like to get in on some of that sweet holiday-guilt business with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up.” I look over at Dmitri and add, “Once I can figure out my schedule, I’d really like to take you up on your offer and maybe teach some classes at your youth center.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic