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When we leave the office, I think maybe we’ve even pulled it off, that we’re not walking out of here looking like he just had his hand down my pants, but when I catch a couple of the guys in the corner smirking, I’m guessing I’m still lit up with theI just came hardglow and that we both look guilty as fuck. Nikolai looks at me and gives me an adorable grin. I can’t help but laugh and grab the hand he offers before leading me over to one of the bags hanging in the corner. He hands me a pair of gloves. I watch him slip his own pair on with the ease of someone who’s done it a million times.

“You box a lot?” I ask, wanting to know every detail of this man’s life.

He shrugs his broad shoulders and gives me a wink. “I grew up fighting, but I haven’t spent too much time in the ring. That was more Dmitri’s area.”

“Why is that?”

He laughs and gives the bag a hard enough punch to have the chain rattling above it. “I was never very good at following the rules. Come on,” he says, waving me over and changing the subject. “Give it a punch.”

I put my hands up before giving the bag a hard punch. The bag doesn’t swing near as much as when Nikolai hit it, but it’s a solid punch nonetheless. He arches a brow at me and gives a low whistle.

“How long have you been boxing?”

“Since I was old enough to put on a pair of gloves. I grew up around it. It was never really a choice. I’ve always loved it. I thought it might bring me and my dad closer.”

“Did it?” he asks, watching me closely.

I give a harsh laugh and answer honestly. “No, if anything it made him hate me even more. ” I give a shrug as if it doesn’t still hurt me to think about it. “I found a sport I love, though, so there’s always that, and it taught me to protect myself.”

I give the bag another hard punch, but Nikolai stops it and frowns at me. “Protect you from what?”

“Nothing. It doesn’t matter.” I smile and lightly punch his arm. “You want to spar with me?”

He looks like he wants to keep asking me questions, but he doesn’t, and I hope he senses how unbelievably grateful I am that he doesn’t insist I dredge up things I don’t want to think about. Finally, he smiles and holds up his hands, stepping away from the bag and out into the open.

“Give it your best shot, little girl.”

Nikolai may not box in the ring officially, but he’s damn good, and I sure as hell wouldn’t want to ever be the unfortunate fucker on the end of his wrath. I’m starting to understand why Sean is keeping such a low profile. As strong as he is, he’s careful to not hurt me. I’m used to guys either holding back when I try to spar with them, like they’re afraid one punch might break me into a million pieces, or coming at me like they want to teach me a lesson about daring to take up their sport. Nikolai doesn’t hold back, but he also doesn’t want to hurt me. He comes at me hard, but it’s so damn controlled. I know if I fail to block one of his punches, he won’t let it make contact. He tests me and pushes me while keeping me completely safe at the same time. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it.

We spend the rest of the afternoon goofing around and laughing, and I don’t remember ever having so much fun with someone. When it’s time for me to leave, I desperately want him to ask me to stay, but he already mentioned that he needs to help Aleksei out with something tonight. He walks me out to my Jeep and pins me up against it before I can get in. His powerful body always makes it difficult to concentrate, but when it’s this close and pressed up against me, it’s damn near impossible. He rests his forearm beside my head and leans in closer. The amused smirk on his gorgeous face lets me know that he knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

“You don’t have to look so damn cocky about it,” I say, making him laugh. “I’m sure you’re used to having this kind of an effect on women.”

He shrugs his broad shoulders and braces his other arm beside my head, blocking me from the chilly wind and surrounding me in the spicy scent of his cologne.

“I only care about the effect I have on you.” His dark eyes study mine, and my heart skips a beat at the intensity of his gaze. Nikolai has a way of making me feel more exposed with one look than I ever have walking around in nothing but a sports bra and shorts in a gym full of guys.

“Come to my house tomorrow. I promised Gina I’d watch Sergei, but they’re picking him up at nine. Come over and stay the night with me.”

My heart races at his words, and I’m shaking my head yes before I even need to think about it. He smiles and brings his lips to mine, kissing me until my whole body feels like it’s on fire with need and I’m shaky and breathless and wishing he could just take me home now.

“You make it very difficult to say goodbye.”

I laugh because it’s not like he’s making it very easy, especially when the hard length of him is pressing against me, reminding me of what’s going to happen tomorrow night.

“You’re one to talk.” I cup his face and run my thumbs over the thick stubble on his cheeks. “Are you sure you’re busy tonight?”

He laughs and kisses the tip of my nose. “Unfortunately, yes. Aleksei and Jamie adopted a puppy, and they need to have a fence up before they can bring him home. I promised I’d help them tonight.”

“Aw, what kind of dog did they get?”

“A black lab mix.” He steps back so he can get his phone from his back pocket and then taps on the screen until he’s pulled up the right photo. Turning the phone he shows me the cutest, little black puppy I’ve ever seen. He has a small white patch on his neck and an old scar running across his muzzle.

“He’s so cute!” I gush, remembering the lab I’d had when I was little. “What happened to his face?”

“They don’t know. The shelter found him abandoned on the side of the road. They think he probably cut it on barbed wire.”

“God, who would just dump a dog? People are such assholes.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic