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“I still get to tail them, though, right?”

“Yeah, just in case I’m wrong. I think it’s at the Irish boxing club.”

“You really think they’d have it there?”

“I guess. I mean, it doesn’t really matter where it takes place as long as the police don’t find out, and apparently us.”

“I really wanted to be invited to a fight this time, like for real. This will be the second one we’ve crashed.” Jamie laughs and makes a left turn. “Man, they are going to be so pissed.”

“Tough shit. I just want to get there and make sure he’s okay. I don’t trust this Liam guy at all.”

“No, he’s a real dick for sure. Any guy who beats on a woman is a piece of shit and deserves whatever Dima’s going to give him.”

“I just don’t want him to get hurt because of me.”

Jamie gives me a quick, sympathetic look before turning her eyes back to the road. “He’ll be fine, Gina. He’s a damn good boxer, and that was before he had something really worth fighting for.”

I reach over and give her hand a squeeze. She always knows the best damn thing to say to make me feel better.

“They’re pulling in the parking lot. I see Dima’s car and Aleksei’s. I’m going to park down the street a bit so we’re not super painfully obvious.”

“Good call.”

As soon as we’re past the building, I sit up and wait for Jamie to parallel park when we’re out of sight. We hop out once she’s parked and head back to the club. There’s no one outside, but the parking lot is full, and there are several cars parked along the opposite street. I guess everyone was invited but us.

Knowing it’s now or never, I take a deep breath and walk up to the front door, throwing it open like I own the damn place.



Nikolai yells at me in Russian, giving my arm a hard smack. “Focus, Dima!”

“I am.” I finish taping up my hands, trying to get my head back into the fight that’s only minutes away from starting. He’s right, though. I keep thinking about Gina and wishing like hell I hadn’t left this morning like I did. She’s going to be so pissed. I thought I’d be able to concentrate better without her, but I was wrong, and now it’s too late.

The crowd is getting bigger, all of them eyeing me like I’m the prize horse they’ve bet all their money on. I recognize the hungry look in their eyes. The few women scattered about are giving me fuck-me eyes, so caught up in the atmosphere that they don’t even avert their gaze when they see the look of disgust I give them. The men want to see a fight, want to watch blood get spilled, but don’t want to dirty their own hands or their precious thousand-dollar suits. Parasites, all of them. Usually I feed off them, use their anger and lust to drive myself into a rage in the ring, but now I just wish they’d leave me the fuck alone. I just want to finish this damn thing and get back to Gina.

“Yes, get pissed,” Nikolai says, watching me, and after a lifetime of friendship, knowing exactly what I’m thinking. “Get in there, beat the shit out of him, and get the fuck out.”

The crowd quiets when Paddy walks out from the back, a pissed-off Liam following in his wake. I’ve fought Liam before, but it’s been a long time, and I’ve heard he’s been training like a man possessed these last six months. Without his shirt on, I can already see the muscle he’s built up. He’s still smaller than me, but not by much.

“You’re still better than him,” Nikolai reminds me. “An Irish punk will never be a better fighter than a kid who learned how to fight on the streets of Moscow.”

I nod my head, knowing he’s right, but before I can say anything, I hear the most beautiful voice in the world shout my name. Scanning the crowd, I almost convince myself I imagined it, but then I see her small, dark head slowly weave its way through the much taller crowd. As soon as she’s free, she runs over to me and jumps in my arms. Catching her, I hold her close, already feeling more centered than I have all morning.

“I am sorry. I should not have just snuck out.”

She pulls back and cups my face, her grey eyes a mix of love and anger, but they soften immediately when she gives me a smile. “No, you shouldn’t have, but I’m here now. Don’t be too mad at Viktor. He tried his best.”

I smile and rest my forehead against hers, oblivious to the huge crowd around us watching our every move. “Thanks for coming. I did not realize how much I would need you here.”

“I wouldn’t miss watching you kick that bastard’s ass for the world,” she says, making me laugh.

“I thought there was supposed to be a fight, or did we all gather around to watch you cuddle with your woman?” Paddy’s Irish brogue rings out around us and instantly grates on my nerves.

“I really fucking hate that guy,” I tell Gina, not even bothering to take my eyes from hers to give Paddy a glance.

“Then go hurt him where it counts,” she says, giving me a big smile. “I’m guessing there’s a lot of money riding on this fight.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic