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I don’t have long to think about it because in the next moment, he opens the door, and I hear my dad’s angry voice.



“Chief Belov,” I say with a grin. “Always a pleasure to see you.”

“Cut the shit, Dmitri. I know you had a fight earlier that people were betting on.”

Chief Belov is shorter than me and has let his body go to shit, and I can’t understand how someone like him could produce someone as gorgeous as Gina. Her mother’s genes must have saved the day, I decide, while he continues to yell at me about crimes he can’t prove.

I steal a quick glance at Gina who looks terrified and sexy as fuck all at the same time. Is it possible she’s here all on her own? Her dad sure doesn’t seem to have any clue about it. The idea of telling him and watching his reaction has me grinning.

“What the fuck are you smiling about?” the chief yells, looking like he’s about five seconds away from stroking out on my doorstep.

“You should relax, Belov. When was last time you had your blood pressure checked?”

“Fuck you!” he spits out. “Let me in so I can have a look around.”

I feel Gina’s body tense under my arm, and I hope like hell she can keep it together. I run my thumb over her skin, but when I hear her sharp intake of breath, I stop. I need her quiet, not freaking out and definitely not moaning in ecstasy. I go back to just gripping her tightly and focus on her dad.

“Do you have warrant?”

When he doesn’t answer, I smile.

“Then I am afraid you will not be coming in.”

“What were you doing earlier?” he asks, unwilling to let me go so easily.

“Fucking. There is no crime against that. I assure you she was willing,” I say with a laugh. I feel Gina’s body flinch at my words, but I ignore it.

He eyes my half-naked body, knowing there’s no way he can disprove what I’ve said. No one in the club would dare admit to seeing me earlier, and the bookies and spectators are long gone by now. Jimmy, the Irish ass I’d kicked earlier, certainly won’t be saying anything. He’ll say it was a friendly sparring session with one of my club members. Nothing illegal about that.

Belov knows I’ve won, but like any good fighter, he refuses to back down.

Pointing a finger at me, he says, “I’m going to get you, Dmitri. One day your ass is going to be mine.”

I laugh and give him a wink. “I had no idea you wanted my ass so badly. This obsession of yours makes a little more sense now.”

Aleksei, who has been silently standing off to the side, can’t help but join in the laughter which just pisses Belov off even more. He throws a hand up at me and storms off back down the staircase. I holler after him to have a good night in Russian because I know how much it pisses him off when I remind him of where he comes from.

I turn to Aleksei and ask in Russian, “Who was that girl you were with?”

He actually looks a bit sheepish before saying, “Someone I’ve been seeing. She said her best friend had been dying to see you fight and asked if I could get them in.”

“I hope what you got in return was worth it.”

He can’t stop the giant grin that spreads across his face. “Fuck yeah it was.”

I’ll have to have a longer talk with him about bringing strange women to the fights, but I let it go for now.

“Make sure Belov and his men are escorted off the property and send Anton up.”

I shut the door, knowing he’ll do everything I ask and turn my attention to Gina. Her skin is still flushed, and I can’t help but remember seeing her for the first time when I looked out at the crowd and caught her watching me. She’d looked so nervous and excited, and her grey eyes had locked onto mine like I was her fucking lifeline. I heard her cheering for me as I went after Jimmy. I never lose focus in the ring, but the sound of her sweet voice had threatened to do away with all my years of intense discipline.

She has the potential to be a real problem. The quicker she goes away, the better.

Noticing that I’m still gripping her arm, I let go and step in closer. She backs up until she hits the wall, looking up at me like a frightened rabbit. A very excited, frightened rabbit. Bracing my hands on the wall on either side of her face, I look down at her, studying the unique grey of her eyes and the way her pupils dilate when I lean closer.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic