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“I overheard him talking to my mom about the insane fight you’re planning.” She shoots me a pointed look, but when I don’t say anything, she continues. “I started to defend you, and it just sort of came out. He was less than pleased.”

“I can imagine. I am surprised he did not come here to confront me.” I let out a harsh laugh and add, “Or arrest me.”

“Yeah, me too. My mom wasn’t completely opposed to the idea. Maybe she talked some sense into him.”

“Maybe,” I say, but I know it’s highly unlikely that Belov is going to just ignore how much he hates me. I imagine when he found out I was fucking his daughter it was like salt in the wound. I’d usually laugh about such a thing, but I would really like for the old bastard to at least give me a chance, maybe admit that I’m not the asshole Russian he seems to think I am.

“I warned you that he knows there’s a fight coming up. You need to let it go, Dima. It’s not worth putting yourself at risk.”

I grab our plates and bring them to the sink, and before I can turn around, she’s by my side, helping me to load up the dishwasher. I smile down at her, but I know what I have to say is going to piss her off.

“I am not letting it go,” I tell her, ignoring the way her brow scrunches up in irritation, even though it’s adorable as fuck. “He hurt you. He is going to pay for it. Simple as that.”

“You’re so stubborn,” she mutters, attacking the plates with a bit more gusto.

I laugh and give her ass a playful smack. “You are one to talk. I swear you are part mule.”

“Did you just call me an ass?” she says, fighting a smile.

“Mule is not donkey,” I tell her. “So part ass, I guess.”

She swats my arm and laughs. “You’ll pay for that one later.”

I wink and smack her ass again. “Looking forward to it.”

I’m amazed at how natural it feels to have Gina around. We haven’t been together long at all and already I’m determined to get her to move in. I never want her to leave. I know how empty this place feels without her, and I have no desire to endure another minute of that hell. I push it to the back of my mind, not wanting to waste a single second of our time together worrying about anything except what position I should fuck her in next.

Ignoring everything else, we spend the entire rest of the weekend alone, and I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. I know I should be training for the fight and preparing myself, but instead I neglect my workouts and cuddle up with my girl. I’ve never felt so rested, though, so I must be doing something right.

We’re relaxing on the couch, watching a movie, when Gina looks up at me and gives me a sad sigh. “I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. I’d much rather stay here with you.”

I kiss the top of her head, grateful that she brought up the subject I’ve been avoiding. Her dad is still refusing to talk to her, and I haven’t wanted to stress her out or upset her on top of that.

“There is easy fix for that,” I say, wrapping my arm tighter around her and caressing her upper arm with my thumb. My heart still clenches painfully every time I catch sight of her fading bruises. “You could just quit and let me take care of you.”

“I can’t do that,” she says, giving a laugh as if I’m joking.

“I am serious. I have more than enough money. Let me take care of you.”

She tilts her head so she can look up at me. Her grey eyes study mine, trying to see if I’m being serious.

“That wouldn’t be fair to you.”

“Why would not be fair?”

She thinks for a second before saying, “Because you earned that money. You worked your ass off, and I would feel like I was just stealing it from you.”

“Is not stealing if I freely give.” When she still doesn’t seem convinced, I add, “This job you have, it is your dream job?”

She laughs at that and shakes her head no.

“Okay, then,” I say, as if that settles it. “Quit job and let me take care of you.” Before she can argue, I say, “You can go to college if you want, or, if you insist, which I am sure you will because you are part mule, you could just work for me. I could always use help in the office.”

She laughs at the mule comment but doesn’t argue. She knows how stubborn she is, and I’m damn glad she is, too. If she wasn’t, I never would have met her.

“You really need help?” She’s looking at me like she doesn’t quite believe me.

“Yes,” I laugh. “Ask anyone. I hate office work. Nikolai and Aleksei will be more than happy to tell you how much I complain about it. Plus, I’m going to need a lot of help opening up the new youth club.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic