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I nod my yes, trying like hell to not start crying like a big baby. This is ridiculous. It’s not like I’m not going to see him again. I try hard to make my brain see reason, but my heart is the one in control here, and it’s breaking at the thought of having to be away from him. Part of me still fears that this is all just a dream, that if I drive away, then things will revert back to how they were, and that the next time I see him, he’ll be that cold, distant man he was just a few days ago.

“Stop thinking so much, Belova,” he says, gently tapping on my forehead with his other hand. "I am not going anywhere. I promise.”

“Okay,” I say, hoping he won’t notice how shaky my voice sounds.

He leans down and gives me a kiss, taking his time, savoring the taste and feel of me. By the time he pulls back, he’s sparked my body back to life again and left me a bit breathless. Smiling at my reaction, he runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

“I love you, Gina. I will be here when you come back.”

“I love you, too, Dima.” I give him a smile and force myself to get into my car.

“Do not forget to text me,” he says, before shutting my door.

I smile and give him a nod, letting him know I will. Pulling out of the parking lot and driving away from him is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. It doesn’t feel right to be going in the opposite direction. I want to do a U-turn and drive right back to him. Surely, I can make my dad see reason. As soon as the idea enters my head, I let out a harsh laugh and keep driving. There’s no way in hell my dad is going to just accept that I’ve fallen in love with Dmitri Volkov. I know I need to make him see reason, but I also know that it’s going to take some time.

By the time I pull into the driveway, I’ve convinced myself that the best thing is to just sit him down tomorrow and try my best to explain that Dima isn’t the monster he thinks he is. With any luck, he’ll see reason quickly, and we’ll all be sitting down to a nice family supper in no time. I’m still shaking my head and laughing at the image when I text Dima to let him know I made it safely back.

Thanks for letting me know, sweet girl. I hope you sleep well. I’ll miss you more than I can say.

I smile at his words, already missing him with an intensity that scares the hell out of me.

I’ll miss you too, Dima. I’ll call you after work tomorrow! I love you. ;)

Okay. Be careful. I love you too. ;)

Before I go inside I send a quick text to Jamie, letting her know I’ve made it back. Within seconds, my phone is buzzing with her response.

I’m on my way!

I laugh and grab my bags, letting myself into the house and running up the stairs, hoping to avoid any conversation.

“Have a good time?”

My dad’s voice stops me in my tracks. I turn around, pretending to be adjusting my bags so I don’t have to meet his eyes. I have this insane fear that he’ll be able to tell I’m no longer a virgin and that his self-declared worst enemy was the one to deflower me.

“Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Jamie’s actually on her way over so I’m going to put all this stuff up before she gets here.”

“Jamie’s coming? You guys haven’t seen enough of each other yet?”

“Huh?” I lift my head up, finally meeting his eyes.

He looks at me like I’m a bit dense, and when he speaks again, it’s at a much slower pace. “You just left her house, Gina. You’ve been at her house since Wednesday.”

His eyes search mine, and I have to force myself to not look away from his cop stare. I laugh and hope like hell it sounds natural.

“Come on, Dad, you know we never get sick of each other. She’s just coming over because I forgot something over there that I need for work tomorrow.”

God, how many lies am I going to tell? This all needs to stop as soon as possible because there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to keep up with all this shit. After what feels like an eternity but is probably only five seconds, he gives me a smile and starts to walk back into the living room where I can hear a baseball game playing on the TV.

“I’ll let her in when she gets here,” he says, already disappearing into the other room.

“Thanks, Dad!” I holler out before running to my room.

I send Jamie a quick text so she doesn’t accidentally expose my lie and then fall back onto the bed. My body is exhausted and sore in places I never thought possible. Just the memories of what all we’d done over the last few days has me smiling and blushing like the virgin I no longer am, and that’s exactly how Jamie finds me a few minutes later.

Her laugh pulls me out of my memories. “Looks like it went as well as I imagined it would.”

I lift my head up to see her staring at me with a huge grin on her face. She excitedly claps her hands, lets out a squeal, and jumps on the bed next to me. “Oh my God, tell me everything!”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic