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She laughs and gives an embarrassed groan. “God, that was embarrassing.”

I turn my head to look into her grey eyes. “It ended well, though, right?”

Her hand reaches up to cup my face, and she leans in so her lips are almost touching mine. “It ended very well, Dima, better than I could have ever imagined.”

I press my lips to hers, turning and pulling her into my lap so she’s straddling me again. Her body rests against mine, fitting me like she was always meant to be here. Thinking of my brother always brings up painful emotions, but having Gina next to me made it bearable, and I’m surprised to find that I can think about childhood memories without the pain cutting into me too deeply.

Running my tongue along hers, I pull back and look into her eyes. “Thank you for breaking into my apartment,” I tell her, caressing her cheek with my thumb. “And for being such a stubborn, wicked girl.”

She laughs and kisses my thumb when I drag it across her lips. “Anytime,” she says with a grin.

I run my other hand down her back and give her ass a good squeeze, groaning at how damn good she feels. “I would love to stay with you in the bath all day, but I want to show you something.”


I tap on the tip of her nose with my finger. “It is surprise. We can get breakfast on the way.”

It takes all my restraint to not carry her back up to bed when I watch her step out of the tub, but I somehow manage to keep myself in check. How the hell will I be able to let her go Sunday night? I push the thought from my mind and get dressed. When I come back down the stairs, Gina is waiting for me in a pair of short jean shorts and a black strapless top that immediately makes me think of the secret photos I took of her at the club. Then my thoughts go to what I did with those photos later on that night. There’s no need for me to tell her what I did since her sneaky little ass saw the whole thing. The amusement in her eyes when she gives me a big smile tells me that she’s thinking the same thing.

I walk over and wrap my arms around her, leaning down so I can kiss her bare shoulder. “Everything about you is a temptation,” I tell her, giving her a soft bite. “Now, come on before I lose what little willpower I have left.”

She laughs, probably thinking I’m joking, and takes the hand I’m holding out, easily slipping her small fingers between mine. She’d really be laughing if she knew she was the first woman I’ve ever held hands with. It never even occurred to me to do it with anyone else. I didn’t care about any of the women I’ve been with enough to want to walk around holding their hands. Gina makes me want to do a lot of things I’ve never done before.

We walk back through the Red Wolf, ignoring all the curious stares, and leave through the side door that leads to where I’m parked. She notices the soft groan I give when I see her car in the bright light of day.

“You’ll get used to her one day,” she says, patting my forearm. “Maybe you just need to drive her, let her work her magic on you.”

I laugh at the absurdity of that idea. “That is not going to happen, and I will be buying you something reliable as soon as I feel like you will let me.”

“I can’t give up Old Blue.” She gives the car a loving pat while I open the passenger side door for her. She leans in closer to her car. “Your Porsche is making her feel inadequate.”

“Good.” I pull her away from her rust bucket and help her into my car. I slam the door on her smartass remark and laugh all the way to the driver’s side.

“That wasn’t very nice,” she says as soon as I’m sitting down.

“It was funny, though.”

She tries to look angry and fails miserably. I reach over and give her thigh a squeeze. “Just think about it. For my own mental well-being, please allow me to buy you a safe, reliable vehicle.” Before she can argue, I add, “I promise I will not put your beloved car in the junkyard if that will make you feel better. She can retire here and slowly rust to death. It will look so beautiful outside my club.”

She scowls, fighting a smile, and playfully smacks my arm. “I’ll think about it.”

I smile and leave it at that. Better to not push her too hard about it just yet. I give a sigh when I start my car and hear the familiar purr of the Porsche’s engine. I know what it’s like to be poor, and I’ve always been very careful with money because of it, but this car was one of the best frivolous purchases I’ve ever made. Sergei would’ve loved it. The thought stuns me. I’ve spent years burying the memory of my brother because it was too painful to think about him, but after telling Gina about my past, I feel like a weight has been lifted. It gives me hope that one day the good memories will far outweigh the painful ones.

I shift into reverse and ease out of the parking lot. When we’re on the road headed toward the diner, Gina lets out a small laugh and raises her hands in surrender.

“Okay, I admit it. This car is pretty amazing.”

“That might be the biggest understatement of the year, but I will take it.”

I had to move my hand so I could shift, and I smile when she immediately brings her hand to my thigh as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“So where are we going?” She turns to study the road we’re on, trying to figure out where we’re headed.

“It is surprise.”

“Oh, come on, Dima, tell me.”

“You are going to be pain in ass at Christmas, aren’t you?”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic