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He finally lets go, but I can tell he doesn’t like it. I think if he had his way, he’d just carry me around all day long. I smile at the idea of it. There are worse ways to spend a day, that’s for sure. The food looks delicious, and my stomach gives another growl at the sight and smell of it. I take a big bite of the hamburger and close my eyes, giving a soft moan.

“Better stop making noises like that, beautiful,” Dmitri whispers in my ear.

I laugh and swat him away. “Don’t tempt me. I need to gain my strength before we do that again.” Taking another bite, I say, “Damn, this is good,” around a mouthful of food.

“Ever the lady,” he says with a laugh, taking a huge bite of his own hamburger.

“I can’t help it. I’m starving.” I dig into the fries and then take a big drink of the margarita. It tastes amazing and definitely hits the spot. I plan on drinking it slowly, and mixed with this big plate of food, I’m sure I’ll be fine. I have no desire to get drunk, and Dmitri has made it clear that we aren’t having sex if I do. That’s incentive enough for me to happily embrace the one-drink rule for tonight.

When we’re about halfway done with our meals, I see the man who I first saw introducing Dmitri at the fight Jamie and I snuck into. His handsome face is guarded, making him seem intimidating and like someone you’d not want to fuck with. They must practice that sexy scowl, because they all seem to be able to do it on command. As good looking as he is, he doesn’t do anything for me. The only one I care about is Dima.

I dip a fry in ketchup and chew on it while I watch the man’s face morph into a big grin when he meets Dmitri’s eyes. He turns to me, keeping the smile on his face, which I’m guessing is only because I’m here with Dmitri, and takes a chair from a nearby table, pulling it up to our booth.

“I’m Nikolai,” he tells me, offering me his hand. “We haven’t properly met.”

I shake his hand, and say, “Hi. I’m Gina.”

His grin spreads, and I’m amazed at how it transforms his face. He seems downright friendly when he smiles. I’m guessing not too many people get to see this side of him, and I’m happy he’s chosen to share it with me.

“Oh, I know who you are.”

He grabs a fry off Dmitri’s plate and starts to talk to him in Russian. I’ve really got to work harder on learning the language. I doubt I’ll ever sound as good as they do when they speak it, but I’m getting tired of missing out on so much of the conversation.

After a few minutes of trying to guess what in the hell is going on, I finally say, “Okay, no fair. I have no idea what you’re saying.”

Dmitri looks at me and gives me a wink. “Is nothing worth repeating. Nikolai was just going, weren’t you?”

Nikolai laughs and ignores him. Turning to me, he says, “Did you know that I’ve known Dima since we were kids back in Russia?”

“Really?” I ask, excited to meet someone who’s known him for so long.

“Yes, really,” he says. “We go way back.”

“What was he like?” I can’t help but ask.

I don’t miss the way that Nikolai quickly looks at Dima before answering me.

“He was much as he is now. He wanted to be a teacher back then, though. Always had his head in a damn book,” he says with the barest hint of a smile on his face.

“That is enough reminiscing,” Dima says, and I can’t help but notice how the mood has gone a little somber.

I look at him, wanting to know so much more about this man that I’ve grown to love so much. I have a million questions, but I can tell that now isn’t the time. Instead, I rest my hand on Dima’s thigh, and he immediately covers my hand with his own, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Well, I will leave you two alone. I just wanted to meet the woman who could have such an effect on my friend.” He gives me a smile, and this time it reaches his eyes. “You are the first woman he has ever brought to the club.”

I can’t stop the huge grin from spreading across my face. “Thank you for telling me, and it was very nice to meet you, Nikolai.”

He stands and gives us a wave before disappearing back into the crowd. Even for a weeknight, the place is pretty packed. It mostly looks like college students letting off some steam now that it’s summer. The dance floor is packed with people who were probably looking a lot better a few drinks earlier. I’m guessing more than a few are going to end the night with their head in a toilet. The VIP section is a lot more laid back. The booths that are still taken look like couples or businessmen celebrating a deal gone right.

“Finish your meal, Belova,” Dmitri whispers in my ear, sending a fresh wave of goosebumps over me. “You will need the calories.”

Looking into his sexy, blue eyes, all I can do is nod and quickly down the last of my hamburger. When my plate is cleared, I take the last sip of my margarita and turn to Dmitri with an excited smile on my face. Seeing the way he’s looking at me, and maybe with a little help from the margarita, I feel brave enough to crawl into his lap. I straddle him, letting out a small moan when I feel the hard length of him beneath me.

“Careful, wicked girl,” he warns me when I can’t help but move my hips a bit, grinding against him.

I cup his face and lean in closer. “Or what?” I ask.

The sinfully wicked smile he gives me should send a warning to my brain to back off, but I’m too far gone now to care. He runs his hands down my back before tightly cupping my ass, grinding me even harder against him. I realize my mistake when he shows no signs of stopping, and I start to feel the familiar buildup of pressure deep within me.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic