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Laughing, I give her a wave and walk inside.

“Where have you been?”

“Holy shit, you scared me!” I say, turning around to see Adam at the kitchen counter, digging into a massive sandwich that he’s trying to wrap his mouth around and failing miserably at. “I just went to the mall with Jamie.”

“Why aren’t you at work?” He ignores all the shit that’s falling out of his sandwich and takes another bite.

“I called in sick for a few days.” I give a slight shrug as if it’s no big deal and hope he doesn’t dig any further. He does.

“So what did you get at the mall?”

I grip the bags tighter, knowing there’s no way in hell I’m holding up skimpy lingerie to my damn brother.

Still gripping his sandwich, he studies me for a second. “You’re seeing him, aren’t you?”

When I don’t say anything, he says, “You’re acting weird, and you never skip work. You also never go out unless Jamie picks you up and you two do something. You were out late last night, and I know you weren’t with Jamie.”

“How the hell do you know that?”

“I heard Mom and Dad talking last night. Dad said you broke into Dmitri’s apartment. What the hell, Gina?”

“Okay, I’m getting really tired of everybody bringing this up. You break into a guy’s apartment one time, and suddenly it’s all anyone can talk about.”

I set my bags down and grab a water out of the fridge. “It’s no big deal, Adam. I fucked up. I’m allowed to do that for once.”

Adam drops his sandwich and holds his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying be careful. I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but Dmitri is scary as fuck, and if he is involved with the Russian mob, then you don’t want to be anywhere near that mess.”

“I’m fine, Adam. I promise. Stop worrying about me. I’m the older sibling. I’m the one that’s supposed to be worrying. Speaking of which,” I say, leaning against the counter, “how are things going with you and Stacy?”

Adam has been crushing hard on one of the football cheerleaders, and she finally agreed to go out on a date with him this weekend. He gives a shrug, trying to play it off as if it’s no big deal when he says, “Things are fine. I’m taking her to that fancy new Italian place by the water,” but I know he’s nervous and so excited he can barely contain it.

“Don’t be nervous. You’ll have a great time, and if she can’t see how amazing you are, then she’s not worth it.”

“Thanks,” he says, trying to cover up his grin by taking another bite of food.

I ruffle the hair on his head like I used to do when we were little and grab my bags. He’s already on his phone, probably sending Stacy a text, before I’m even out of the room. I head straight for the bathroom and spend the next couple of hours getting ready. By the time I’m finished, I’m clean, smooth, and ready for my sexy Russian.

Ever the optimist, I pack a bag, making sure it’s filled with everything I’ll need until Sunday night, and then sneak down the stairs, yelling a quick goodbye to Adam on the way out. In the car, I send Dmitri a quick text.

I’m on my way. I couldn’t wait any longer.

I don’t take the time to wait for a response. I just drive. I’m a bundle of nerves as it is. If I sit here waiting for a response, it’ll drive me nuts. I hear my phone buzz, but I ignore it and instead focus on the road. I cannot get into a car wreck right now. Surely, the sex gods wouldn’t allow that. That would be too cruel. Trying to distract myself, I turn up the music and try my very best to not sweat. All vents are pointed at me with the air conditioning turned up to full blast. I’m going to show up looking calm and sexy, not sweat stained and awkward.

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when I see Dmitri standing outside the Red Wolf, leaning against the building looking sexy as fuck. He’s wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, and the dark aviator glasses he’s wearing are making it very hard to focus on the road. He gives me a sexy smile and waves me over, pointing to the parking spaces along the side of the building. I pull in and park next to a gorgeous, black Porsche. I look toward the back of the building where I know the fire escape is and have to stifle a groan when the memory of me peeing in the grass pops into my mind.

I grab my bag from the backseat, and by the time I get it, Dmitri is there, opening my door and offering me his hand. I take it, watching how mine is completely swallowed up in his and let him pull me to standing.

As soon as the door is shut, he presses me against the car and brings his mouth to mine. God, I’d almost convinced myself that I was imagining how good of a kisser he was. Nope, I had it right. His tongue brushes along mine before he runs it over the roof of my mouth. He cups the back of my head with one hand and grabs onto my hip with the other, holding my body tightly against his.

My bag falls from my hand, and I wrap my arms around his neck, wanting him closer. There’s a very noticeable, very hard bulge digging into my stomach, and I’m seconds away from jumping up and wrapping my legs around him just so I can rub myself against him, when he pulls back, leaving me gasping and wanting so much more.

“Why didn’t you text me back?”

It takes several seconds for his question to penetrate the thick, lusty fog that’s permeated my brain.

“Huh?” I say, making him laugh.

“I texted you back, but you never answered.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic