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I laugh because everything had been written on her face. The pure lust in that first stare had enough heat in it to burn down both my clubs.

“Yes, you are big enigma,” I say, kissing her once more before setting her down.

She laughs and takes the hand I offer. When I start walking us to the door, she stops and says, “What are you doing?”

“I am walking you to your car,” I tell her as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“You don’t have to do that. I’m just parked across the street.”

I stop and cup her face, tilting it up to me. “Do you want to be with me?”


I smile at the eager, honest way she says it.

“Then get used to me being overprotective. I am walking you to your car, and I am not coming back inside until I see you drive away safely. Give me your phone.”

She reaches into some hidden pocket in her dress and pulls out her phone. I quickly add myself to her contacts.

“Text me when you get there so I know you made it.”

“You’re very sweet.”

“That is not usually how I am described,” I tell her before pulling her toward the door again.

I know walking back through the Red Wolf with Gina’s hand in mine is going to raise some eyebrows, but they wisely keep their damn mouths shut when they see us. Aleksei quickly looks away, but not before I see the big smile on his face. Nikolai holds my gaze. Except for the slight lift of one dark eyebrow, his face gives nothing away.

When we’re outside, I look over to the Arctic Fox, noticing the line out front. We’re open seven days a week, and since it’s summer, there’s a line out front every night. The crowd isn’t as big as on the weekends, but it’s still enough to do some decent business.

Gina follows my gaze and asks, “Are you going over there later?”

I stop her, waiting for a car to pass and look down at her. She’s trying her hardest to make it sound like she’s just making small talk, but I can tell there’s something behind it. It doesn’t take long for me understand what it is.

Fidgeting with one of the buttons on her dress, she keeps her head down and says, “Your waitresses sure are pretty.”

She jerks her head up when she hears me laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

I tighten my grip on her hand and lead her across the now empty street. “You look cute when you’re jealous.” Before she can get all huffy, I say, “The point of the club is to make money. The waitresses are part of its appeal, so is the location, the connection to the boxing club,” I look at her and give her a wink, “the mysterious owner. It all works together to make me money. It is as simple as that.”

When we get to her car, I can’t help but let out a groan at the sight of it.

“This is what you drive?”

She lets go of my hand so she can put it on her waist. I know I’m treading on dangerous ground when she tilts her head a bit and says, “What’s wrong with my car?”

“Does it still run?” I ask, eyeing the older model.

She surprises me by letting out a laugh and giving her blue monstrosity a loving pat. “Oh, this baby runs all right. She may look a little rough around the edges, but she gets me where I need to go.”

I try to hide my disbelief, but I’m guessing I’m doing a piss-poor job of it. I don’t want to freak her out by buying her a new car when we haven’t even been together twenty-four hours, but it’s definitely coming. I’ll never stop worrying about her being stranded on the side of the road if I don’t.

“Stop worrying,” she says, reaching out to pull me toward her.

“How do you know I am worrying?”

Smiling, she brings her hands to my face, gently running her fingers over my forehead. “I can see it all over your face. I’ll be fine. Old Blue will get me home safely, and I’ll text you to let you know I’m okay when I get there.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic