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“Are you sure he’s worth all this? He is old enough to be your dad, Gina.”

“He’s only thirty-seven, and don’t even pretend that isn’t hot as hell.”

“Yeah,” she says with a grin. “A good age gap is sexy as fuck, and Dmitri certainly takes good care of himself, doesn’t he?”

I’ve had to be content with mainly seeing Dmitri on the rare moments when his beautiful face shows up on social media or in a local news article about one of his clubs, but someone leaked a video online from one of his fights, and the image of his sweaty, muscled body is one I’ll never forget, and not just because I’ve watched it an embarrassing amount of times. His body looks like it was carved from a block of tanned marble, but it’s his face that really gets me. Buzzed dark hair with piercing blue eyes. He always has a bit of dark stubble on his face, and there’s a sexy scar that runs down his left cheek, disappearing under his chiseled jaw.

“Are you listening to me?”

Jamie’s voice brings me back to the present, and I can tell by her amused look that she knows who I was just thinking about.

“Do you need me to turn the fan on so you can cool off a bit?”

“Very funny. Stop teasing me.” I groan and bury my face in my hands. “It’s so pathetic. He doesn’t even know I exist.”

“Yet,” Jamie adds. “But he will after tonight.”

I peek through my fingers to see her grinning like a crazy woman again. She jumps up and grabs the bag she’d been carrying when I let her in earlier. I hadn’t been paying attention to it then, but my eyes are glued to it now as she reaches in to pull out what looks like a tiny scrap of black material.

“What is that?”

“This is the dress you’re going to be wearing tonight.”

I let out a shocked laugh. “I think I have washcloths that are bigger than that.”

“Oh, please. You’re being dramatic.”

She waves for me to join her by my full-length mirror and holds the dress against me. Tiny doesn’t even begin to describe it, but I have to admit it’s cute.

“Nothing beats a simple, black dress,” she says, winking at me in the mirror. “Especially when paired with these.” Digging in the bag, she brings out a pair of heels that I’m confident I won’t be able to walk a single step in without falling on my ass.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ll break my neck!”

“Come on, shorty. You need to be tall enough for him to actually see you.”

She kisses my cheek to take away any bite from her words and ushers me to the bathroom. “Time is ticking. You need to shower so we can sneak out of here before your dad gets home. He’ll never let you leave the house if he sees you in this.”

I cringe at just the idea of it. Luckily, my mom is working the night shift at the hospital tonight, so I won’t have to worry about running into either of them. I race to the bathroom and jump in the shower. If we’re going to do this, then we might as well do it. Who knows if we’ll ever find out about a fight again? It’s not like Jamie can keep blowing guys for information. We can’t waste this opportunity.

After I’m shaved, clean, and smelling good, I step out and towel dry my hair before wrapping it around me. I run a brush through my shoulder-length, dark hair before grabbing the blow dryer. Might as well go all out, I think, and put on some of the fancy volumizing spray that I splurged on but have never actually used. Bending over, I turn the blow dryer on full blast and set to work.

Once I’m satisfied it’s actually dry, I stand back up and grimace at how untamed it looks. It doesn’t look like I’m ready for a night on the town. It looks more like the morning after a really wild night on the town. It’s probably not the greatest idea to show up with tousled-post-sex hair before you’ve actually had sex with the guy.

Once it’s brushed out and looking acceptable, I step back and eye the lacy black thong and strapless bra that has been laid out for me. Usually I opt for comfort, but when I slide the lacy, see-through fabric on, I can’t help but feel a rush at how sexy it makes me feel, especially knowing that it will be hidden away under the dress with no one the wiser. Well, I’d really like for Dmitri to be in on the secret, but I know that’s a longshot. A girl can dream though, right?

Before Jamie barges in to find me half naked, I grab the dress off the hanger and slip it over my head. The fabric is silky smooth and slides down my body with zero effort, leaving goose-bumped skin in its wake. This thing is just plain erotic, like a lover’s touch dancing over my body. I force out the air I’ve been holding and tell myself to get a grip. Maybe Jamie’s right. Maybe nineteen years of pent-up sexual frustration is finally getting to me.

The dress may be simple in its design, but there’s nothing simple about the way it looks. It’s strapless, and thanks to the amazing bra Jamie picked out, it’s actually giving me some cleavage to show off. The dress hugs my curves, making my chest look larger and my waist smaller before hugging my hips and ass.

A girly squeal pulls my eyes from my reflection in the bathroom mirror and to my friend’s smiling face.

“Damn, Gina!”

I laugh and follow as she pulls me over to the chair she already has waiting. She’s covered my desk in makeup that she’s obviously brought from her house and immediately sets to work.

“Not too much, okay?” I say, hoping I won’t walk out of here with electric blue eyeshadow and a fake beauty mark.

“Relax. I know you like the more natural look.”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic