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“I try.”

Before we leave, she promises to call me as soon as she knows anything, and I promise to lay off my life of crime for a bit until we know more details. I’m antsy as hell and wonder how I’m going to get through work tomorrow when I can barely focus on anything for more than thirty seconds at a time.

Anything except Dmitri, that is.

I can’t get him out of my damn head for more than a second.



The last two days have been absolute hell. I can’t seem to focus on anything. I’m sleeping like shit, and I can’t find my fucking black T-shirt! I feel like I’m losing my mind. The guys are giving me even more space than usual, and everyone refuses to spar with me. I’ve been taking all my aggression out on the punching bags and lifting weights like a maniac. So far, it isn’t helping. I’ve sequestered myself in my office after a lunch meeting with one of our suppliers for the Arctic Fox, and my head is killing me. Just when I think things can’t possibly get any worse, Chief Belov walks into my office with a smug grin on his face.

He approaches my desk and sits down without waiting for permission.

“By all means,” I say with a dismissive wave of my hand. “Make yourself at home.”

“You know, Dmitri, I can’t help but be a little impressed at all that you’ve built here.” He lifts his hands, gesturing at what I assume is both of my clubs. “I may have it out for you, but I have to admit that you’re a smart man, damn near untouchable.” He glares at me and says, “Damn near.”

“You have something to say, Belov, say it. Or did you just come down here to stare at me?”

He sits back, making himself comfortable and resting his ankle on his knee. I ignore the bright blue-and-white plaid sock and pale, fleshy ankle. I still don’t know how in the fuck this man created Gina.

“Where were you Saturday night?”

“Here,” I say, shutting my laptop since it’s obvious I won’t be getting any work done in the next few minutes.

“Uh-huh,” he says with that same smug grin. “Could you be more specific?”

“I could.”

I steeple my fingers and hide my grin when he lets out a frustrated sigh. I stare, fascinated as I watch his skin turn a deeper shade of red right before my eyes. It’s a lot sexier when his daughter does it.

He stands and straightens his hideous, paisley tie. “You’re coming with me, Dmitri. We need you to answer a few questions down at the station.”

“You think so, huh?”

He gives me a wicked grin that has me wondering what in the fuck he’s up to. I can hear Aleksei and Nikolai shouting outside my door, and I stay seated as two uniformed officers step into my office.

“What the fuck is this about?” I ask, quickly losing what little patience I have.

“We’ll explain everything when we get there, but I assure you, Dmitri, you have no choice in this. We have enough cause to bring you in, and if you fight it, I swear I’ll arrest your ass right here and we can do it that way.”

Chief Belov steps aside and motions for me to follow the officers as they file out. As much as I want to refuse, I stand and follow them. I know he doesn’t have shit on me, and I’d rather get this over with as soon as possible.

When I pass by Nikolai, I say, “Call Vadim and tell him to meet me at the station.”

He already has the phone pressed to his ear before I even round the corner.

I give Belov a smug grin of my own. “This is not going to end well for you.”

“Is that a threat?” he hisses, pointing a finger at me.

“No, I am just warning you that you are going to come out of this looking like a fool.”

I walk past him, following the officers and even getting into the back of a squad car without complaint. I see the surprise in Belov’s eyes. I’m a little impressed by my own good behavior, so he must be downright dazzled by it. I guess he was expecting me to fight them off. I’m sure he’d like nothing more than for me to throw a punch and give him an excuse to bring me in wearing handcuffs. No fucking way am I going to give him that satisfaction. I’m walking in a free man, and I’m going to walk out the same damn way.

It doesn’t take long before we get to the police station. Once I’m out of the car, I follow them down to an interrogation room where they leave me sitting without so much as offering me a bottle of water. I guess I got lucky since they caught me in a suit instead of dragging me down here in nothing but my workout shorts. I undo the top buttons on the white dress shirt I’m wearing and lean back in the chair. I know they can only hold me twenty-four hours without arresting me, and Vadim will be here any minute. I almost feel sorry for Belov. Almost.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic