Page 38 of Embers and Magic

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“None of that bullshit, Farren. I didn’t take you in to kick your ass out into the snow. This is as much your place as mine. And this old man has hidden for a long time. It might be kind of nice to work my magic a bit.”

“Really?” I asked, not daring to hope.

“Yes,” he promised, and the love in his eyes was enough that I didn’t stop the next words from falling.

“I love you, West. Thanks for being my dad all this time,” I said quietly. He swallowed hard and nodded, no words falling out, but I hadn’t expected them to. Emotion wasn’t his style, and I respected that.

“Things will have to change,” he said. “I’m considering my options. Maybe we should close Mountainview.”

“What?!” I gasped. “You can’t do that.”

“Look, kid. This place isn’t hurting for money, and neither am I. I didn’t say I’d abandon it, did I?” he challenged. I nodded slowly and waited for him to finish. “No, I was considering making it into apartments or a stronghold. It seems I’m part of a dragon brood now.” The way he said it with so much fucking pride hit me right in the chest. If that wasn’t a show of love, nothing was. He was willing to shake up his world, his income, hislife, for me and my future.

“West, that’s crazy!” I said.

“Listen, it’s just a thought—one Niko and I will have to do a lot of background work to even consider. I just wanted you to know the moment I thought about it because you love this old girl as much as I do.” He patted the wall lovingly, and I had to bite back tears. “Gah, omega, rein in the emotions.”

“I can’t help it when you’re being sweet,” I complained. “It’s been a crazy few weeks.”

“That it has. Now, go see what your mate wants and leave me in peace. I’m gonna have to light a fucking candle to get this sappy bullshit out of here.”

Laughing at his ridiculous behavior, I stood up. “Thanks, West.” I didn’t turn back, but as I stepped out, I heard his answer.

“Love you too, kiddo.” And damn, if that wasn’t one of the best moments of my life. I might have lost a family that day in the stronghold, but he was right. We were building a new brood, and this one felt like home.

Levi was waiting in the lobby, stoking the fire. They’d become just as at home here as I had, and I hated to admit how much I liked the idea of this becoming our stronghold. There’d be some renovations and major changes, but having a home I didn’t have to leave was huge.

“There you are.” Levi grinned, coming over and pulling me close. His lips brushed over mine, and when he tried to pull away, I chased him, deepening the kiss. He must have had something else on his mind because he slowed it down before pulling back and resting his forehead against mine. “Come fly with me?”

Those words sent a jolt of anticipation through me. Zehra immediately jumped in my head, curious to see where this would go.

“Is it snowing?” I asked, walking to the windows to glance out. It had started coming down fairly hard, nearing a white out. “Do we need to ask Daddy Niko for permission?”

He barked out a surprised laugh. “Oh my gods, please call him that and let me witness it?”

I snorted. “Sold. But really, we need to go tell them our plans. Should we stay at the cabin tonight?”

“That's not a bad plan,” he mused. “The two of us?”

“I’m fine with that,” I said. “But if you’re more comfortable, we can have the others, or Niko, join.”

“We’d have to be back early to cover shift, right?” he countered.

“Kane and Avi are on desk duty tomorrow,” I pointed out. He grinned and led me back upstairs.

“Good. That means Niko can come with us.” Lust flared, tempting me with ideas of what our night could become. I’d seen them together, but being in between them? That was the shit fantasies were made of.

“Count me in,” I said in a breathier voice than intended. He gave me a heated look but kept walking until we’d gone back to their shared room.

“We’re going out to the mountains,” Levi announced. The others were all lazing around, so they glanced up in surprise when we bustled in. I’d never really been the type for big entrances or announcements, but it seemed Levi was. It was actually kind of… fun.

“Alone?” Niko asked cautiously. He seemed to be fighting to hold himself back, and man, I wanted to torture him a bit.

“We’re dragons. We can handle it. You witches can’t keep up with the snow,” I said innocently. Niko and Kane both narrowed their eyes on me.

“I’ve gotheron my side. I’m not worried.” Levi shrugged, playing along. “And I went out back. Didn’t smell a dragon at all, so we’ll be alone.”

“Hm,” Niko offered.

Tags: Jarica James Paranormal