Page 88 of Caged Royal

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I show Indi the screen and she giggles. “Saw that coming. Tell assface he’s welcome to come.”


Indi says you’re welcome to come, but have you ever even tattooed someone else?


I haven’t, but we can both be virgins again. I do like being your first *wink emoji*


Have fun, just be careful. Can’t wait to see it.


I’m allowed to not want Ryker to see your tits right? *laugh emoji*

I let out a laugh, shaking my head. I mean, I always wanted under my boobs done, that doesn’t count, right?


No tit tattoos happening. You’re good.

Lincoln stays suspiciously quiet, but I think he’s with Harrison so I don’t fixate on it.

“Ryker says it’s chill for Maverick to come. He’ll even give him a rundown if you do want him to ink you first.”

“Sounds good,” I say, and reiterate it to Maverick.


Tell me when and I’ll be there.

“Well, apparently we have a date.” I laugh and she grins.

“Hell yeah we do. This is what I saw for us.” She shows me her phone and the two arrow images, similar, but not identical.

They’re beautiful.

“Ryker said he can do them easy enough, and they’re small enough that we can put them almost anywhere. He also said if you send me a picture of your other design, he can set it up.”

“Maybe we should start small, especially if Maverick wants to come and join in too.”

“Sounds good. Just let me know, he’s so freaking good. Pretty sure if he and Maverick got on better, they’d spend all their time together talking ink. Both of them are covered.”

“Mav’s is mostly his top half,” I say, smiling softly.

“Yeah, Ryker is like, covered. It’s fun to trace the lines though.” She blushes and takes a sip of her drink. “Anyway, back to more serious talk because I don’t want to be gooey and distracted. How is East doing?”

We spend the morning catching up, just hanging out like two teenagers should be able to, and I love the mundaneness of it all. Most people want to be anything but ordinary. Me? I’d do a lot for a chance at normal.

Indi heads home when her mom calls about their dinner date, so we make a date for early tomorrow morning at Ryker’s for our ink adventure.

Once she’s gone, I get dressed in a pair of cutoffs and a hoodie, plonking myself down on the sofa, attempting to watch TV but failing when my mind constantly wanders.

Maybe this meeting with the Conclave won’t be so bad. Maybe they’ll just release me and honor my dad’s wishes.

If only dreams and wishes were more than air and dust.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance