Page 69 of Caged Royal

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I let out a deep sigh at Finley's voice and reach over to unlock the door. He slinks in, relocking it once he’s inside, and crouches in front of me. “How you doing?”

“Oh me? I’m peachy keen, jelly bean,” I deadpan, and he smirks at me.

“Glad to see your sense of humor is still intact. We only found out when Georgia arrived that she was even coming. I’ve been dealing with my dad, who arrived at the same time as William, and Mav is helping East. We didn’t have time to warn you what was going on. I’m sorry.”

“He’s going to announce their engagement isn’t he?” I say softly, and the pain in Finley’s eyes is the final stab to the heart.

I fucking hate the Knights, what they stand for, everything. How dare he make Lincoln into his whore for his own personal gain.

“You can do this, it’s just for show. You’re stronger than hiding in this bathroom. You don’t need any of us at your side to ride out this storm, but we’ll all be there, even if it feels like you’re alone. We’re never far from you.”

I take a deep breath and nod. He’s right. I am strong enough to deal with this. To carry it all. I guess I just needed reminding.

Taking his hand, we stand together and he pulls me into his arms. “Ready to face the sharks?”

“As ready as I’m going to be.”

He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, cupping my cheek, and gazes down at me, his bright blue eyes seeing into the depths of my soul. “Remember, this is all just a show. We know the truth, and we’re stronger for it.”

I nod. “Let’s do this.”

He reaches for the door but I stop him. “Wait, where is East? Is he actually coming to this insanity?”

He nods, grimacing. “Harrison insisted. Chase is here too, so East will be with someone we can trust. You just focus on me and playing our parts. Maybe we’ll learn some of what we need to and make it out of all of this in one piece.”

“Okay,” I say softly and open the door, slinking out with his hand in mine as we rejoin the crowd. I steal another two glasses from a waiter as we head out to the yard, offering Finley one, but chugging them both back when he declines.

Blair spots us as we reach the outskirts of the party and heads toward us.

“Incoming,” I mutter, and Finley squeezes my hand.

She practically hangs off of Raleigh and my stomach twists.

Did he rape her? Or does she know about his proclivities and just not care?

Not the time, Octavia… she doesn’t need your bleeding heart.

“Octavia, I see you’re hiding away. I guess I would too if my world was about to crumble like yours is.”

I roll my eyes at her. “Blair, what do you want? I don’t have the time or patience for you and your bullshit riddles.”

“I mean, oh cousin dearest,” she says with a deadly smile, “that Raleigh and his family are about to be inducted. And I, well…” she trails off and holds up her hand, showing off the giant fucking diamond on her finger.

I bark out a laugh. “You have got to be kidding me?”

Looking over at Finley, he looks as shocked as I feel about the news.

“Who confirmed your induction?” Finn asks Raleigh, an eyebrow quirked.

“Your father,” he says with a grin. “I might not be on the Conclave yet, but I hear that some family lines are running out and a seat might just open up.”

My stomach twists.

The Armstrongs.

East said his father didn’t want to continue his line, that he didn’t have children because he didn’t want to continue the madness.

There is no way Raleigh could end up in that seat.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance