Page 68 of Caged Royal

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I don’t think.

“Lovely to meet you,” I say with a saccharine smile. “Are you new to the Cove?”

He looks almost flattered by my question, and I don’t know whether to be grossed out or not. “We don’t live here currently, but I am considering the move from the big city. I understand you recently returned after traveling the world. How would you say it compares to the city?”

My smile tightens as Harrison glares at me. “There’s no place quite like home.”

“A beautiful sentiment, and too often true,” William says with a big smile. My gaze bounces across the room when I see them.

Lincoln with Georgia wrapped around him, her lips at his ear while he smiles like he’s never been happier.

He’s just putting on a show.

At least that’s what I try to tell my stupid heart that hurts like it might just break, because I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him look that happy before.

Why didn’t he warn me he would be here with her? Or that she would be here at all.

I guess I should’ve known, especially when I saw Harrison with William, but it still didn’t click. Stupid me I guess.

Doesn’t stop the pain I feel at her hand on his chest, her hold on his arm, caressing him like his lover.

“Ah, here’s the couple of the night,” Harrison says, grinning down at me. I want to smack that smug-ass smirk right off of his face. Or stab him with my snake stiletto.

Either option might make me feel a little better.

He calls them over, and Linc’s eyes go wide momentarily when he sees me before the smile snaps back into place as he brings Georgia over.

“Georgia, Lincoln, how are the happy couple tonight?” William asks, shaking Lincoln’s hand when they reach us. “Georgia, have you met Miss Royal yet?”

“I’ve not had the pleasure,” she says, smirking at me, as she gives me one of those, I’m-better-than-you finger waves.

Seeing her, I instantly understand why her and Blair would’ve gotten along so well: they’re cut from the same cloth.

“I’m sure the pleasure is all mine.” The words sound like honey as they fall from my lips.

As if summoned like the devil herself, Blair appears with Raleigh beside Linc and Georgia.

If there is a god out there, please just strike me down dead now.

“I see you finally met my cousin, G,” Blair says, that resting bitch face of hers cracking with a smile like she’s one-upped me.

“If you’ll please excuse me,” I say with a smile, extracting myself from this bitchy pit. Lincoln is obviously a better swimmer than I am, because I feel like I’m drowning surrounded by these people right now.

Where the fuck are Finley and Maverick, and why the hell didn’t anyone tell me about this bullshit parade?

I head to the downstairs bathroom, glad to find it empty, and lock the door before sitting on the closed toilet lid. Fuck wading through this shit without someone on my side. I can usually handle my shit, put on my public figure face, and pull on all my inner peace bullshit… but after everything that’s happened the last few weeks, my quota for dealing with this hell alone is at its limit. I pull my phone from my clutch and open up the group text I have with the guys.


Other than Linc, who is apparently busy, where the fuck are the rest of you?

I sound more than a little salty, but I don’t have it in me to pretend otherwise right now. Logically, I know it’s all a game. Emotionally though… emotionally I’m so fucked right now that my heart is very much not listening to my head. Panda’s words are still too loud in there.

I close my eyes and rest my forehead on my hands, taking a deep breath. There was me thinking I was a strong independent woman, but apparently dealing with the shock of seeing Lincoln and Georgia together is more than I can take right now. Especially with Harrison watching me with hawk-like intensity. I know that Lincoln said Harrison had told him to break all ties with me, and that he’s aware Lincoln is the one who found me, but beyond that, I’m not sure how much he knows. I just know we’re not meant to be anything more than acquaintances.

I’m pretty sure after Lincoln busting into the Conclave and demanding they help find me that Harrison isn’t fooled, but I don’t want to be the reason Lincoln suffers any more than he already has.

“Open the door, pretty girl.”

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance