Page 61 of Caged Royal

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I can’t even say that I’m mad about it, but I definitely need to work some shit out.

“Just so you all know, the party Blair was going on about is happening. Tomorrow evening at the house.” He looks directly at me and it’s like the rest of the world ceases to exist. “I have spoken to Harrison and he assured me there is no engagement.”

“Goddamn right there isn’t,” Indi huffs. I love her too much. “And if there was, I’m pretty sure between all of the resources at my disposal these days, I could help you make her disappear.”

Huh. My little ray of sunshine got dark.

I laugh while Lincoln graces her with the rare approving smirk. She doesn’t even notice and continues to chow down on her lunch.

“Oh that reminds me!” Indi pipes up. “I got us booked in with Gracie tomorrow. I figured we could use a hair day!”

“That’s so perfect! My hair is a mess. Wearing it up all the time does not suit me. Does anyone have plans tonight?”

The boys all look between themselves, before Lincoln answers me. “We have a meeting.”

My heart sinks. I almost forgot that they have those. I can’t help but flick back to the conversation I had with East, about how they’ll never be free, and my chest hurts. What if this whole Regency thing means I could get them free?

I tuck the thought away to ponder over later. “Oh, okay. It’s cool.”

“We can swing by after?” Finn offers.

I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. I was going to say we should start talking about college, but it can wait.”

“I’d come over, but Ryker is being a little… possessive right now.”

I smile at her, hating how torn she looks, but also hating that this is where we’re all at right now. Pulled in a dozen different directions. “Honestly it’s fine, I can have a date with my piano. It’s been a minute and I kind of miss it. Plus, I can go hang out with East. He’s probably going insane.”

“Okay,” she says, giving me a tight smile.

“You’re not wrong though,” Linc adds. “He is going stir crazy. Just don’t let him exert himself too much.”

I smirk at him and shoot him an exaggerated salute. “Yes, sir.”

The corners of his lips tip up and his eyes light at my words. Well… apparently he likes that. I’ll tuck that away for future reference. Might just get me another morning like today, and well, I’m not about to say no to that.

I turn back to Indi who is grinning shamelessly at me. “What time is the appointment with Gracie?”

“I got her for ten a.m., so I can swing by and grab you if you like?”

“Sounds good.”

Maverick kisses my neck softly, stealing my attention. “Eat.” I look back at him and he’s looking at me, concern pinching the corners of his eyes. “You haven’t been eating the same since we got you back, and while I love you no matter what you look like, you need to eat.”

I chew the inside of my cheek and pick up my burger. I hadn’t noticed, but apparently he has. People—including himself—never give him enough credit. He always says he’s not the guy with the plan, not the thinker, more the do-er… but he pays far more attention than anyone realizes.

The bell sounds and I plow down the last bites of the burger before chugging back my bottle of water. Finley stands, grabbing my bag, while Lincoln clears our trays and Mav takes my hand. People stare at us all as Finley kisses me despite Maverick holding my hand, and I couldn’t give less fucks if I tried.

They don’t have to understand us. We’ve walked through fire to get here and I’m not about to explain everything we are to small-minded assholes who mean nothing in the long run.

“We’ll walk you to class,” Linc says as he reappears. I smile at him, nodding as he holds out his hand to me. I falter, thinking back to our conversation. He seems to read my mind and his hand falls to his side, but Finley offers me his instead.

Apparently they all know about the bullshit.

Maverick slaps my ass and releases me as I step up and take Finn’s hand. Indi beside me, Linc and Mav behind us. My dad always said that family isn’t just about blood, that the family you choose is the best kind of family you can have, and I think I’m finally coming to realize just how right he was.

Blood might be thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood.

* * *

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance