Page 132 of Caged Royal

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“Want to go shoot shit? That always makes me feel better.”

I start to shake my head and stop. “Ya know what, fuck it. Let’s go shoot shit.”

“That’s my girl! I knew I liked you!”

“Should we tell them where we’re headed?” I say, nodding toward the door.

He grins and walks over, banging on it with the side of his fist so loud I jump even though I knew he was going to do it. Indi squeals and Ryker swings open the door, eyes wild.

“V and I are going shooting. Thought we should let you fuckers know.” He tries not to laugh as Ryker lunges at him and they end up wrestling on the floor. I lift my feet from the ground up onto the sofa with me, not sure whether to laugh or cry as they beat the crap out of each other, but since Indi appears in the doorway and just groans, I go with laughter.

“Ellis, will you help?”

Ellis appears, takes in the two titans rolling around the room, and shakes his head. “Not a chance I’m getting in there.”

“Wuss,” she teases him, sticking her tongue out at him. She takes a deep breath and shouts, “If the two of you don’t stop, I’m not sucking any dick for two weeks.”

She blushes when I laugh, but the ruckus on the ground stops almost immediately.

“Aww, but short stack, you suck dick so good.” Dylan’s groaning makes me laugh harder and Ryker pushes the big guy off of him as he climbs to his feet.

“No need to mope, asshole. We stopped. You’re lucky she made us stop too.”

“I could’ve taken you.” Dylan grins back at him.

“Boys,” Indi warns, and they both grin at her. “Now then, who are we shooting?”

“And that, short stack, is why you’re my favorite.” Dylan whoops and picks her up, tipping her over his shoulder. “We’re shooting things, not people.”

“Dammit, I thought for sure we were going to deal with that hopped up rich bitch,” Indi groans. “Now put me down, ya giant.”

I can’t help but giggle as he slaps her ass before planting her on the sofa beside me. “You feeling okay?” she asks softly.

I nod, “Yeah, Dylan is a great distraction, and shooting should be fun.”

“It’s a shame we’re not killing the redhead. I’d happily watch her bleed.”

I shrug, pulling the sleeves of my hoodie down over my hands. “Maybe another day. Or maybe Lincoln truly is happy and I’ve been lying to myself. Or maybe he didn’t fuck her and it’s all one big misunderstanding. But he isn’t talking to me, so I don’t know what else to do but keep marching on.”

She side hugs me as the boys get their shit together. “Come on, let’s go shoot some shit, maybe sledge hammer some stuff, get out all the rage. You’ll love it. Then after, Smithy should be home, so we can go back to your place, milkshake up, and snuggle on the sofa with a horror movie.”

“You, Indigo Montoya, might just be my one true love.”

She giggles at me. “Same, just don’t tell them that. They might sulk.” She nods over to the guys who are watching us both closely.

“Come on, boys,” she says, slapping her hands against her thighs before standing up. “Let’s go break stuff.”

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance