Page 123 of Caged Royal

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All of them.

“Get in the tub, East.” Without even a hint of a scowl, the big brother obeys the younger one. It’s still fascinating to me how Linc takes control of any room he enters.

Without so much as a glance at East, Linc walks up to me and palms my jaw—his fingers squeezing hard enough to make my mouth pop open.

“Today, we own you, Octavia.”

I nod, as much as I can in this position, before Lincoln’s mouth is on mine, his tongue demanding entrance and not waiting for permission. He explores every last inch, licking and biting, sucking and caressing, as his other hand traces down my body.

Apparently he’s still in asshole mode, but pretty sure I can get on board with this version of asshole.

Linc’s finger pushes my panties inside me until he’s breached the lace. Nothing stands between my pussy and the pad of his finger. Pulling at the hole he’s just created, he brings me closer, widening the hole as he does.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” I hear Finn say from the tub, Mav agreeing with his signature grunt.

Linc’s hold on my jaw tightens just enough for me to feel the difference, his lips pulling away until he speaks into my mouth.

“Get in the tub and sit on East’s lap.” I go to move, but Linc stops me with his finger still fucking me through my panties.

“But Octavia? Your first and last orgasms belong to me, so don’t you dare come before I allow it.” He smiles at my body’s reaction to his words. It’s no secret that his controlling qualities in the bedroom turn me the fuck on. I’m not too proud to admit it and there’s no way I could hide it even if I was.

“Go.” Simultaneously letting my jaw and pussy go, I shimmy out of my destroyed lingerie, reaching back and lifting my bralette over my head before stepping into the hot water and heading straight to East.

Flanking him, Mav and Finn have eyes only for me. Linc is right behind me but instead of sitting next to one of the guys, he plants himself across from us—arms resting along the back of the wood, legs spread and chin high. He looks like a king and acts like a god, and we are his subjects to rule over.

East reaches out, turning me around before pulling me onto his lap where his heavy, very hard, cock rests against the crack of my ass. I’m facing Linc, because of course I am. He’s got a front row view of us and is in the perfect position to orchestrate our every move.

“Use your fingers, East. Get her cunt nice and ready for us.” Linc’s words are harsh, which only makes my heart race faster.

My eyes are solely on Linc, watching him watch me is addictive as fuck.

Linc’s words come back to me and I whimper as East pushes two fingers inside me without preamble. He just thrusts them in up to the second knuckle and curls them just enough to earn him a gasp.

I can’t come.

It seemed so easy to obey before the reality of it was here. The second Lincoln notices my wide eyes, a slow, primal grin spreads across his beautiful lips, and in that moment I see the devil inside of him that I love.

The one that gets off on this control. Knowing he’s wielding his power over me. Over all of us.

From across the tub, his eyes are like molten steel, taking in each movement from East. Each reaction from me. He can’t possibly see what he’s doing—it’s all under water—but his imagination is likely as potent as the reality.

“Tell me how she feels.”

“Like home.” East’s words hit me in the chest, making my head lean back onto his shoulder where I feel his mouth come down to my neck, nuzzling, licking, kissing me like I’m his favorite toy and taking care of me is his life’s mission.

That’s when I feel two mouths on my nipples and without even looking, I reach out to grab Mav and Finn’s cocks but I’m stopped before I can reach what I want.

“Octavia.” Lincoln’s voice is sharp, and I want to challenge him in spite of it, consequences be damned, but then Mav bites down on my nipple and all thoughts of stopping this disappear. I’ll listen for now, but later, he’s going to deal with it.

I’m a greedy bitch and I want them all.

That’s when I feel him at my mouth, whispering like danger.

“Octavia.” His tone could cut glass.

“I’m sorry.” I breathe out trying not to sound too petulant. “I’m just so…” Lincoln grabs my hair, pulls back and forces me to look into his steely gaze.

“Tell me.” Searching my face, Linc looks over my features before he leans in and licks an erotic path across the seam of my lips.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance