Page 113 of Caged Royal

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She heads toward us, obviously interested, but more than a little wary. “Why would you help me?”

“I’m not helping you. I’m helping the freshmen. You might be a bitch, but she’s a tyrant.” I shrug as she barks out a laugh. “Do you want to help or not?”

“I’m in, what did you have in mind?” she asks, folding her arms over her chest.

I grin wide. This mini truce might just work, and I can feel good about having done something positive with my time here. Even if it’s not that great. “Well you see… that’s where you come in.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means,” Indi says sarcastically, “that we need your evil genius brain.”

Blair walks with us to the cafeteria as Indi explains what we want from her. “Sounds good, I’ve already got an idea but let me sit on it and we’ll talk tomorrow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d rather not walk in there with you both.”

She flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder and heads inside, leaving me slack-jawed.

“That girl has got some fucking nerve,” Indi growls under her breath.

I laugh, shaking my head. “I think I’d be more shocked if she did anything else. Come on, let’s head inside. The guys will be here soon and I’d rather eat something before Mav arrives and tries to steal half my lunch.”

She grins at me, all thoughts of Blair gone. “I get the feeling he’d rather eat something else.”

I laugh at her as we head toward the line. “You’re as bad as he is.”

We walk in, finding the guy in question already in line. He turns as we enter and grins at me. When we reach him, he pulls me into his side and smacks a kiss on my cheek. The big dork.

“You’re in a good mood,” Indi snarks at him, and I clamp my lips together.

“What’s wrong, Pixie Spice? You not getting enough good D? You should really speak to those Kings, shouldn’t hold out on a girl.” I elbow him in the side, rewarded with an ooph and a smile from Indi.

She skips past him and picks up a tray. “Keep talking about my kitty cat and see how much Ryker likes it.” She winks before grabbing her food.

“I’d rather focus on your pussy,” he growls into my ear, and heat spills across my chest. “Sleepover tonight?”

“I’m going to see East after school, but sure, why not?” I grin and he slaps my ass.

“That’s my girl. Now, let’s get some grub. You’re going to need the energy for later.”

* * *

Lincoln pulls into his garage, turning off the car before he looks over at me. He has barely spoken to me since Harrison dismissed me on Sunday, and I’ve had about enough of it.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” My words come out snappier than I wanted, but I’m sick of the silent treatment. Going backward isn’t what I want. We’ve played this game before, I’ll be fucked if we go back.

“There’s nothing to tell. Harrison doesn’t want me spending time with you. He wants me to focus on Georgia. My fiancée. This isn’t news,” he snaps right back before climbing from the car and slamming the door.

“Why are you being such a dickhead?” I yell at him as I climb from the car. He spins on the spot and his eyes dance with fire before he narrows them at me.

“This is just who I am, Octavia. Take it or fucking leave it. I’m not changing. Not for you. Not for anyone.”

I stand there, speechless, as he storms away from me.

What the fuck is going on with him? There has to be more to it than he’s telling me. He doesn’t usually just snap at me like that.

I’m obviously not going to find out what it is right now, not when he’s in whatever mood it is that he’s in, so I paint a smile on my face and head into the house tentatively.

I find East in the hall, about to head upstairs.

“Hey, you.”

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance