Page 109 of Caged Royal

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These last few days didn’t exactly go to plan, and the message from Harrison on my phone before we boarded the plane home isn’t exactly filling me with joy either. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel, counting it out to try and calm myself down as I pull up beside the garage. I look over at the girl who I’ve come to realize owns me entirely, but who I know I don’t get to keep.

Harrison has made that all too clear, so until I can figure out a way to extract myself from the claws he has in me, I’m fucked.

Regardless, I’m going to enjoy every fucking second with her that I can. At least for now, I can enjoy this moment with her. “Do you want to come in?”

She smiles at me and the tight knot in my chest loosens a little. Ever since she saw my monster, she’s accepted all of the poison I’ve spat at her and still looks at me like that. I don’t understand it, any of it, but I’ll accept it like the selfish bastard I am. “Yes. I want to see East, too. It’s been strange being away from him, even if it was only a few days.”

I put my hand on her thigh, unable to keep myself from touching her. I think I’m starting to lose myself a little, but losing myself in her is basically all I’ve ever wanted. Though I already know what I’m about to ask of her is going to piss her off. Not that that means I won’t ask it. I don’t have a choice. “Octavia… what happened in Mexico…”

“It’s already done and dealt with. We’re good.”

She thinks I mean what happened after, but I don’t. Rico was not part of the plan when I took her away, and East is going to freak the fuck out when he finds out. I just want to know his heart is going to be okay before we tell him something that’s going to stress him out. The smile on my face is tight before I let out a deep breath. “I know, but maybe, let’s just not mention it to East just yet. I don’t want him to freak out. His heart… I know he’s making progress in therapy, but it’s only been six weeks. He still has a way to go. I don’t want anything to delay his progress.”

“I won’t lie to him, but I won’t offer the information either.” Yep, there’s the fire I expected. I watch her closely, because I can’t look at her without wanting to see all of her. Except this time I can see as the anger dances in her eyes before the reluctant acknowledgement that she knows I’m right settles on her.

She climbs from the car, my cold heart beating like a traitor as I watch her ass shimmy out. I know her smiles are for East, not for me. Especially right now, but I’m going to drink them in regardless.

I run a hand down my face, wondering exactly when I became such a sappy asshole, but since it’s only her that will ever truly know it, I don’t mind so much.

Climbing from the car, I slam the door shut when Harrison’s voice fills the space. I clench my jaw at his arrival. Of course he couldn’t give me just another day.

He stands in the doorway, glaring at the girl who owns my heart. I told him she’s with Finn, but I’m positive he doesn’t believe me.

“Go home, Octavia. Lincoln and I have some things to discuss.”

She looks over at me, that fire in her eyes that’s enough to make my heart beat, but this isn’t something I want her mixed up in if I can help it. I rub a hand down my face, wishing that Harrison would just drop dead on the spot, but knowing how unsatisfying that would be after all of my fantasies of ending him.

I nod at her and sigh. “It’s okay, we’ll call you later.”

She looks pissed, but I’m hoping she understands. She might be okay with my monster, but if Harrison ever had reason to put his hands on her… I clench my jaw just at the thought. No fucking chance in Hell.

She grabs her bag from my trunk and walks away from us. I refuse to follow her movements, because while Harrison might not believe that I’m not with her, I don’t want to give him anything to use against me if I can help it. I grab my own bag when his voice rings out around us. “I’ll be seeing you soon, Miss Royal. Make sure not to be late.”


I shoulder my bag and move toward him. “You wanted to speak to me?”

He puts his hands in his pockets and stares at me like he’s trying to read my thoughts. He fucking wishes he had that power. Paranoid asshole that he is.

He turns and walks into the house, and I grit my teeth at his expectation that I’ll just follow. Except I do because I have very little choice about much of anything. I follow him up to his study. East pops his head out of his door, smiling, but I shake my head in response and his smile drops. He notices me following Harrison, then looks as pissed as I feel, but closes the door and retreats.

I need to find out what happened here while I was gone. But first, I need to get Harrison off my back. Even if the reprieve is temporary.

Walking into his office, I close the door behind me, dropping my bag beside it as he stands on the other side of his desk.

I fucking hate this room. Memories assault me every time I step foot in here, no matter how much I want them to stay buried. I might not wear scars on my skin like Mav or Finn, but that’s only because mine are buried deeper. Harrison made sure of it.

“You disappointed me.” He clicks his tongue as he waves to the chair in front of his desk, the silent command ringing between us.

My feet feel like lead as I pick them up to make my way across the room. I fucking hate it in here, and he knows it. I take a few deep breaths, trying to stave off the weakness that rolls through me, the panic and dread that sits on my chest like an unwelcome visitor.

“You disappointed me in Mexico, Lincoln.” His gaze is unwavering as he watches me, and I try not to buckle beneath the weight of it.

I clench my jaw, trying to keep my shit in check as I answer him. “I was promised a reprieve. It was agreed upon by the Conclave.”

“Well I changed my fucking mind,” he roars, throwing the glass in his hand across the room. The smash as it shatters against the wall makes my jaw tic, but I try to stay calm. He wants a reaction from me, and while I can’t do much against him—for now anyway—this I can control.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance