Page 108 of Caged Royal

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“It’s already done and dealt with. We’re good.”

He smiles tightly at me. “I know, but maybe, let’s just not mention it to East just yet. I don’t want him to freak out. His heart… I know he’s making progress in therapy, but it’s only been six weeks. He still has a way to go. I don’t want anything to delay his progress.”

“I won’t lie to him, but I won’t offer the information either,” I say grimly, not exactly happy he’s putting me in this situation, but at the same time, I get it. He watches me closely before nodding and releasing me. I shake it off and climb from the car, excited to go and see East when the front door opens and Harrison stands in the doorway.

“Go home, Octavia. Lincoln and I have some things to discuss.”

I look over at Lincoln, fully prepared to stand my ground and tell Harrison to fuck off, but Linc rubs a hand down his face before nodding at me. “It’s okay, we’ll call you later.”

I guess with the whole, we’re-not-supposed-to-be-in-a-relationship thing, and everything that happened in Mexico, we should’ve been expecting this, but fuck.

I grab my bag from Linc’s trunk and start making my way down the drive. An icy drop of dread runs down my spine, and I can feel the heat of their eyes on me when I hear Harrison’s voice. “I’ll be seeing you soon, Miss Royal. Make sure not to be late.”

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance