Page 101 of Caged Royal

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He frowns at my words, but I’m not going to mind them. He might not have known about me, but I’m not about to change my entire life just because I know who he is now.

“You don’t have to—”

I cut him off with a shake of my head. “I will not, under any circumstances, leave Lincoln to deal with that monster alone.”


Annndddd now it’s awkward again.

“I started looking into the things we spoke about last week,” he says quietly. I glance over his shoulder. Harrison isn’t anywhere to be seen, but that doesn’t mean shit. I’m convinced the walls in here have ears.

I drop my fork, because I want that information, just not here. “Want to go out and grab some food?”

He smiles, looking a little shocked. “I’d like that a lot.”

“I’ll be two seconds.” I dump my pasta in the trash, putting the bowl and fork in the dishwasher, and head upstairs to change out of my sweats.

“You two deserve each other. Cowards, the pair of you.” Harrison’s vitriol catches me off guard as I open my door.

I sigh, so done with dealing with his bullshit. “Then just fuck off and leave us be I guess. I’m sure nothing would make you happier than never speaking to me again, Harrison.”

“You do not speak to me like that in my house,” he roars, and I shrug.

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering how far I can push him. “Let Lincoln leave and I’ll be out of your hair.”

He grins at me. “You’ll be out soon enough either way, don’t worry.”

Without another word he turns on his heels and strides down the hall, turning the corner that leads to his office. I take a deep breath and try to push back the rising anger, remembering Chase is downstairs waiting.

If he has the information I need, then Harrison might not have the power he thinks he does for too much longer.

Change is coming, and I can’t wait to watch his downfall.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance