Page 46 of Lost Royal

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Itake a deep breath as I stare at my reflection in my bathroom mirror. Gracie—Indi’s hair woman—is a fucking magician. You can’t even really tell I was butchered at the dance. If anything, the extensions just make it look like I had a few layers put into my hair.

Looking the same doesn’t stop my simmering rage though. I’m not even sure exactly what I did for Blair to hate me so much; we used to be so close. Our history doesn’t stop me from wanting to watch her world crumble. Not at this point.

I am so done being the victim in her story. She started this, but I’m sure as fuck going to end it. I just need to bide my time and work out what is going to hurt her the most.

I finish getting ready for school and head downstairs. As I go to open the fridge, I notice a note from Smithy, telling me he's gone grocery shopping and he'll see me later. Inside, I find a smoothie along with a berry box waiting for me.

He is too good to me.

I notice the time and practically inhale my breakfast before rushing out of the house. I drive like a crazy person to make sure I get to school on time, finding Indi standing beside her Wrangler in her usual spot. I pull into my space, practically jumping from the car, flustered. Not exactly how I wanted to start the day.

Just three days until Thanksgiving break. We’ve got this.

She beams at me and hands me my coffee. “Your hair looks fucking amazing. I’m so glad that Gracie did such a good job for you.”

“Me too.” I smile before taking a sip of the hot mocha goodness. “I never put myself down as a vain person, but apparently I was wrong."

We head into school and come face to face with Blair and her bitch squad. I put on my fiercest smile, enjoying the shock on their faces when I’m not the hot mess they expected me to be this morning. We breeze past them and I give them a little finger wave while Indi giggles beside me.

Okay, so that might not be the revenge I’m craving, but it definitely felt good. I don’t even care if it’s petty as fuck. “Do you have any plans tonight?”

She looks up at me from her phone and shakes her head, “No, I saw the guys yesterday while you were with Gracie, so my night is free and clear. What did you have in mind?”

“We are one hundred percent coming back to you and the guys in a moment, don’t think you’re getting off the hook with that, missy,” I tease, and she blushes a little, “but I was thinking of an all night homework and cram session to prepare for all the things we have to hand in this week before break. I’m so freaking behind. I swear, next semester, drama or not, I need to put my school work first.”

She nods as I grab my books. “Sounds good. I’ve got a ton to do, too.”


We make our way down the hall to her locker so she can grab her things before heading to English, where Miss Summers is already waiting for us.

“Morning, girls!” She beams at us as we enter the room.

We head to the back of the room and take our seats. The bell hasn’t rung yet, so I take the opportunity to interrogate her. “So. Boys. Weekend. Spill the tea.”

She blushes again, hiding her face behind her hair. “Well, after they showed up at the dance and basically begged my forgiveness, we decided to just hang out on Sunday. It was weird being their main focus again. I forgot how intense they can be.”

I fan my face and she laughs. “Yeah, but the best kind of intense I bet.”

“You could say that.” She sighs happily, and I smile.

“Hey, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy. But if they hurt you, I’ll bring the shovels. I know how to get rid of a body or three.”

She bursts out laughing just as the bell sounds and we turn our attention to Miss Summers, who starts talking about our exam coming up before Christmas break next month. Groans chorus around the room and I try to calm the spike of anxiety that makes my heart pound in my chest.

I’ve fallen so behind with all of my school work thanks to everything that’s been going on. Despite my stubbornness that I wasn’t going to let any of it mess with me… it already has. I try to focus on Miss Summers as she talks about what’s going to be covered on the exam, but my mind goes down the rabbit hole of just how much shit I have to get done to not just pass my classes, but also meet the terms of my dad’s will.

Usually the money thing wouldn’t bother me too much, but the thought of losing the house, of Smithy being without, of potentially no college—nothing—until I turn twenty-five is enough to have me spinning out. When I first heard the terms of the will, I wasn’t too deterred. I’ve never had a problem with my grades. But with everything that’s happened, alongside adjusting to freaking mainstream schooling, it hasn’t been great.

I’m so fucked.

I spiral for so long that the bell rings before I realize the class is even over.

Fuck my life.

“Please tell me you took notes,” I hiss to Indi, who nods, looking more than a little concerned. “Awesome. Time to go face Mr. Peters.”

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance