Page 24 of Lost Royal

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“No shit, Sherlock. That doesn’t explain why you’re here.” I sigh, rolling my eyes again.

“Of course it does.” He shrugs and steals the remote from the table, flipping over to some football game replay that’s on from last night. I pick up my phone, realizing I didn’t close the gate, just to see Finley’s Lamborghini pulling up the drive as Lincoln’s Porsche slides in behind him.

Awesome, the whole gang is here. Well, almost. I guess being a teacher makes skipping a little harder.

I hit the button on my app to close the gate once their cars are clear, accepting my fate and preparing myself for a day with the boys, whether I want them here or not. Better to resign myself to it and get them out of here as soon as possible than fight it. I get the feeling that fighting them isn’t the best way to get the information I want from them. This way, at least I can find out what they want without draining myself emotionally. I don’t have much reserve left to fight them, so I’m hoping they’re not here to argue with me.

Seconds later, Finley and Lincoln enter the house, the smells of coffee and food hitting me almost instantly. My stomach grumbles at the smell and I realize I’ve barely eaten all weekend.


Usually food isn’t far from me, but I’m a terrible cook and I’m out of pretty much everything. I’ve also been a little preoccupied.

Finley looks over at me, and I don’t know how, but just like I know Lincoln hasn’t shared that he’s been hopping in and out of my bed at night, I know that Finley hasn’t shared what happened over the weekend. The same way I’m pretty sure Maverick never divulged what happened between us.

These boys hurt my fucking head.

“We brought breakfast,” Lincoln says, holding up a tray of coffees in his hand as he strolls past me into the kitchen. Finley follows him with a brown bag that smells like heaven while Maverick just seems to wait for me to move.

I follow quickly. I’m hungry and it smells too freaking good to pass up. I’m going to have to learn to pick my battles with them eventually and now seems as good a time as any. If they want to feed me, who am I to deny them that? Totally not a battle I mind forgoing.

Heading into the kitchen with Maverick hot on my heels, I grab plates for everyone as Finley unpacks the bags. “I got some of everything. Pancakes, eggs, breakfast burritos—”

“Dibs on the burrito!” I interrupt as I jump onto the stool at the island where the rest of them are standing. They all just stare at me as I grab the burrito and do a little jig in my seat. Mav barks out a laugh while a small smile plays on Finn’s lips. I let out a groan as I take my first bite, because goddamn that shit is good.

Thanks to breakfasty goodness, I can almost forgive them for barging in on my morning.

“So, other than feeding me, why are you guys here?” I ask once I’m done having my happy dance, then swiftly take another bite, groaning all over again.

Mav coughs and just watches me. “V, you keep making those noises, we’re going to have another moment.”

“Moment? Are you referring to taking my virginity, Maverick Riley? Because that was definitely some moment. However my happy groans about food should probably not take your mind to the same place.” He pales, and Lincoln’s hands turn to fists on the counter.

“Virginity? But there was no blood…” Mav’s eyes go wide, gulping as he sits. “V, I didn’t… I didn’t know. Why didn’t you say something?”

I just shrug and take another bite. “It was a good orgasm, why should me being a virgin get in the way of that?”

“Mav, do you maybe want to explain what the fuck she’s talking about?” Lincoln practically growls. Not going to lie, it makes my kitty flutter a little, but I mentally tell her to calm the fuck down. We’re playing happy times with too many of these assholes as it is, we do not need to add another one to the mix.

Mav just looks from me to Linc, looking like I just junk punched him. Not my problem he didn’t tell them we fucked. Him not knowing about the virginity thing might be my fault, but since it’s not a big deal to me, it shouldn’t be to him either.

“Calm down your growliness.” I grin up at Lincoln after swallowing my last bite and grabbing another one, because apparently I am hungry as hell. “We fucked. We’re both grown-ups. No harm, no foul.” I shrug, but let out a squeak when Lincoln flies across the counter and hits Maverick.

Well shit.

Did not see that coming.


I look at Finley who is just watching the two of them beat the shit out of each other as they roll across the fucking room. “Will you do something?”

He looks at me a little worried before glancing back at them.

“Mav took my virginity, and Finn ate me out in my theater room!” I shout, and the fighting on the floor stops momentarily. “Boom, all three of you had a peek at my kitty; it’s really no big deal. Now can we stop with your macho bullshit please?”

Apparently Indi’s sassy bullshit is rubbing off on me, but that was too much fun to shout at them. “The food is going cold.”

Personally, I don’t get the fighting. It’s not like Linc didn’t eat me out all those weeks ago in the pool house.

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance