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“Never repeat this, please. I don’t think Mom’s a sicko.”

Bree shook her head as she stabbed another few tears away. She giggled. “We’re all fucked.”

Gwenn stopped laughing and cleared her throat. “Whatever happened to Rob, anyway? Is he still here in Austin? Do you know?”

Bree shrugged. Their dad was a mystery to her. Supposedly, he left their family to be with the love of his life. Whoever that may be.

Their mother never went into details, other than that their father was a bastard and needed to be castrated. Joan Ryan had brought the girls up on her own.

Caitlin had been eighteen and a rebellious teenager. Kera was fourteen, Fianna nine, Bree eight, and Gwenn only six years old.

Joan did everything to raise her girls into independent, strong women. Opposite of the needy girl Bree had been last night.

“Don’t tell anyone about last night, okay?”

As if Bree’s reasons suddenly dawned on her, Gwenn nodded and picked up their plates. Bree, by choice, would never speak of this night ever again.

“Tommy Aiden Mills. Get your butt down here,” Keenan shouted. Declan’s cousin leaned with one shoe on the lowest step and eyed the top of the stairs expectantly.

“Why do you always have to shout the boy’s middle name when he’s done stupid shit? Makes me jump too.” Aiden grinned. Instead of cracking jokes, Declan wanted to be there for his cousin. He’d just entered the house behind his cousins and waited for Tommy next to Keenan.

“Shut the fuck up,” Keenan said, not bothering to look over at Aidan, who walked past them into the living room.

The small feet padding the upstairs landing froze at Keenan’s words.

“I know you’re up there. Come down, son. And apologize to Miss Tully.”

Tommy peeked around the corner on top of the landing, showing his honey blond hair.

“Miss Tully stinks!” Tommy shouted before he took a step back, making himself scarce again. Declan winced and gave an apologetic smile to Miss Tully. She didn’t react as he’d hoped when she snubbed him. Tommy could be quite a handful, but Declan loved him with every fiber of his soul.

Keenan sighed and shook his head. His fatigue rolling off of him. Being a single dad for the past two years had been taking its toll on Keenan.

They had been having a few drinks at Lucky when Keenan’s babysitter, Miss Tully, called. She needed him to come home immediately, and Aiden and Declan had tagged along. It was no inconvenience when Keenan lived directly across the street from Declan.

Miss Tully stood next to Keenan and pursed her lips. Just when Declan figured she would take the high road, she said, “Such a misbehaved, rude boy. And to think he’s only five years old.”

“Excuse me?” Keenan said as he whirled around to look Miss Tully in the eye. The sixty-something year old woman took a step back and cleared her throat.

“You should be more strict with him. He almost drowned my cat tonight!”

Keenan went red in the face. Declan had enough training to diffuse this situation, so he said in a gentle voice, “Miss Tully, I believe Tommy only wanted to wash your—”

“Pussy!” Aiden shouted. He just had to go there and derail Declan’s attempt in peace making. It took Declan off guard and he quickly coughed to hide his laughter.

Miss Tully gasped and turned red. “That’s what I mean. How despicable!”

“He gets it from me, just like his middle name,” Aiden said, laughing loudly.

Keenan pulled in a large breath and slowly blew it out while staring up at the ceiling. He was probably counting till ten in his head before reacting.

“I can see that,” Miss Tully said. She yanked her trench coat from its hook and walked over to the carrier where she’d stored her drenched cat. “Come, Missy. I’m taking you home. And we’re never coming back!”

Without bothering to put on her coat, she grabbed the carrier in her arms and stomped out.

“I’m counting till three and your butt better be down here,” Keenan boomed.

“One… Two…”

Tags: Anna Castor Lucky Irish Romance