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“Pops, I know that you’ve always wanted us to be together. But—”

“But what? Don’t tell me, ye don’t love her. Don’t ye dare lie to yer grandfather.”

“I’m not. I love Bree. It’s taking me this long to see that I’ve always loved her. I was stupid in thinkin’ we shouldn’t be together because of what happened with Ro and Fi. I didn’t want to mess up our friendship like they did.” Declan sighed and shook his head.

“But it’s messed up either way, Cuz,” Aiden said.

“I know. Now we’re not even friends anymore. She’s hurt. I’m hurt. Damn.” He looked over at Pops who folded his arms in front of him, on top of his rounded belly.

“So make it right,” Pops said. “Get back yer best friend and gain yerself a lover and a soulmate.”

Bree kept her distance tonight. He looked over at Pops once more and when his grandfather shooed him, he finally stood.

“Aye, that’s it, Dec. Go on,” Pops said.

“Good luck, Cuz.”

Declan nodded at his grandfather and cousin. He stepped up to Bree and Cait, while Bree had her back turned to him. Of course, Cait saw him coming from a mile away, but she was helping him out by not giving him away.

“Bree, can we talk?”

Bree’s shoulders tensed before she turned around. A cute blush crept over her throat and ultimately pinked her cheeks. Bree always hated it whenever her body betrayed her and showed her embarrassment.

It had been the first time she had this reaction to Declan, and he hated it. She never felt embarrassed around Declan before. He was going to close this distance tonight. Enough is enough.

“Hi, Dec.”

“Hi, Squirt. I know now is not the best time to talk, or the place to have a talk.”

He exhaled as she gave him a smile and a nod.

“You’re right. Maybe, we can meet up later this week for drinks?” She bit her bottom lip and her beautiful blue eyes pulled him in.

“Or… you can go home with me tonight.” As her eyes narrowed, he quickly added, “I mean, you haven’t seen my place now that it’s finished.” Damn. Why was he so nervous?

Bree watched Cait’s back as she retreated from their conversation. Bree tucked a curl behind her ear and said, “Okay. I… guess it’s fine. Can I catch a ride with you? I drove here with Gwenn, but she’s obviously staying since it’s her party tonight.”

His palms got sweaty, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. This was it. They were going to be alone together. She would sit on his couch in his home. They could talk and… He croaked his words, “Sure. I’ll drive you.”

After saying goodbye to some of their friends and family, he gently placed his hand on her lower back and directed her to the back entrance of Lucky. Why did it feel so different when he touched her now? His hand on her back almost burned from the spark this simple touch ignited.

They reached his truck and halted their steps next to his vehicle. He stepped in closer. Heaven. Her smell, her rosy cheeks, the almost pitch-black curls falling over her shoulders and resting over her ample breasts.

As he leaned in to kiss her, her eyes went wide with shock. Like he was crazy. How stupid had he’d been for turning her down in March? Could she really not believe he would kiss her now?

She took the smallest step back and opened her mouth. Probably to talk him out of it. But he closed the distance and kissed her. He entered her mouth and played with her tongue. Hesitant at first, she softly worked with him. Goosebumps traveled all over his skin.

Declan grabbed the back of her head and the kiss became even more intense. He was kissing his former best friend, but there was nothing friendly about this kiss. He’d experienced nothing like this.

The first time he fantasized about Bree, he’d been a horny teenager. She may have been his best friend, but he hadn’t been blind. He blamed his hormones and Bree’s growing curves.

He loved how eagerly she returned his kiss. Her fingernails bit into his shirt that clung to his biceps. He trailed his other hand over the small of her back, familiarizing himself with the feel of the curve of her apple butt. After a hungry squeeze, she moaned against his lips. He pulled her against him and she gasped at the contact of his erection against her belly.

“Let’s go home, Bree.”

His voice sounded pained. He needed to let go of all the worries he’d had before. Just feel and don’t overthink things. It had been one advice his oldest brother, Brennan, had given him.

She kissed his jaw before she laid a sweet kiss against his throat. “Okay…”

Tags: Anna Castor Lucky Irish Romance