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Kayla snickered and reached for the wine bottle to fill up her empty glass. “Okay, so I don’t know if it’s the wine or just because we’re opening up to each other, but I’ll tell you something about my experience, or rather the lack thereof, ha.”

“Get out of town. If you’re telling me you’re a virgin, I’m going to hand in my badge, as I clearly didn’t get that vibe from you at all.”

Kayla laughed while filling Caitlin’s glass with wine. She set the bottle on the coffee table and took a gulp from her glass. “Okay, so I’m twenty-nine years old, and I’ve been with a shocking total of three guys.”

“So? That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m thirty-five and my number is twelve. The summer after I found out my dad was cheating on my mom, I went a bit wild; otherwise, I would have been with a total of eight.”

“I’m sorry about your mom and dad.”

Caitlin waved her words away before taking a hefty gulp of her wine. “No biggie, I’m over it. Men can’t be trusted. It just took me some time to get with the program. So, tell me about number one.”

“Josh, when I was nineteen. We’d been dating for six months before we slept together. He was the cousin of my college roommate. I had an instant connection with him because he was a fun guy, but there had been no real spark sexually. After a few months though, I convinced myself that my first time should be with him. It was over and done before I even knew what had happened. After a few times, I realized he wasn’t the one for me, and I broke things off. He didn’t seem to be too heartbroken about it either.”

“Mmm, my first time was during the ’Slutty Summer of ’02,’ and I can’t even remember it properly as I was drunk off my ass. I’d waited to give my virginity to someone special, so I was still an eighteen-year-old virgin. God, I was a mess back then.”

Kayla reached out and squeezed Caitlin’s hand on the couch.

“Thanks, Kayla. Okay, so tell me about numbers two and three.”

“Number two was Cole. It wasn’t too bad, certainly not compared to Josh, but it wasn’t earthshaking either. We’d been together for two years, but we were better off as friends. He was so cute, but also a bit boring.”

Caitlin snickered and said, “Ugh, don’t you hate it when they’re boring?”

“Yeah, I really do. So my third and last one was a one-night stand—”

“Oooh, I’m so hoping for a story filled with breathtaking orgasms.”

Kayla laughed out loud and shook her head. “No, it was bad. Like, real bad....”

“Oh noo, poor girl.” Caitlin looked a little tipsy as she felt sorry for Kayla for experiencing bad sex after bad sex.

“Number three was Mark. An acquaintance of my friend Tessa, and a total jerk. He asked me what time he should schedule the taxi to pick me up—while he was still inside of me.”

Caitlin gasped. “Nooo.”

Kayla nodded. “Yep.”

“What a douche.”

“I know. If my brothers knew about Mark, I wouldn’t hear the end of it. I never had the chance to explore dating with a guy, growing up with three brothers and a dad who were strict and overprotective. My dad was a cop, and so is my oldest brother, Calum. They would literally keep an eye on me during dates. I went to the movies with a guy, and my dad wanted one of my brothers to come with to chaperone. I was sixteen years old and I ended up going to the movies with my date, my brother Conner, and his date, Kelly. Conner was making out during the entire film. It was so gross.”

“Hmm, I guess my eighteen-year-old self was in need of some of that guidance too. My dad hadn’t exactly been around by then for me and my four younger sisters. But I guess going on a date with your brother tagging along sucks balls too.” Caitlin smirked.

“Yeah, well, I promised myself after that one-night stand that I wouldn’t take that route ever again. I promised to have sex with someone only if he had a real potential in becoming my boyfriend. That person hasn’t come along in the past three years.”

“Here’s to us... to new friendships.” Caitlin held up her wineglass for Kayla to toast. Kayla clinked her glass against Caitlin’s.

“To us. I kinda like being a member of your BB-BB club.”

Tags: Anna Castor Lucky Irish Romance