Page 9 of Wrecked

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Gabriel shifted uncomfortably. “Let’s talk about something else.”

Reed lifted a finger in the air. “I know something! Let’s play two truths and a lie.”

Rodrigo snorted. “Maybe Gabe can start? He’s really stepping up his game lately; not only does he bend the truth for a living now, he also lies for shit and giggles to his family and friends.”

Gabriel sat up straight, meeting his brother’s narrowed eyes straight on. “Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Jack had enough of the twins’ bickering. “Okay, that’s enough. This issue about Gabe not telling us about calling off the wedding won’t be resolved now, so just let that shit lie for the sake of the rest of us.”

Gabriel gave Jack a quick nod while Rodrigo mumbled, “Fine,” before demonstratively looking out over the water.

“Okay, let’s start this game,” Reed said.

Dominic rubbed his temples. “Don’t tell me you guys want to drink more alcohol during this stupid game?”

“No, asshole. We can play this game without having shots,” Zane said.

Dominic dropped his fingers from his temples before he cocked his head. “Asshole?”

Since Jack had grown up in the Miller house, he knew Zane was this close to break his fist on Dominic’s jaw of steel.

“Enough you two! Let’s fucking start this game already and whoever doesn’t want to play can suffer in silence for the next hour. Okay, I’ll go first,” Jack said.

He rasped his fingers through the stubble on his jaw, thinking about the two truths and the lie. Growing up together made it fucking hard to come up with truths his friends didn’t already know about.

“Okay. First statement: I’ve once fucked a girl in a dentist chair.”

“I knew it! I’m still bummed Shelly asked for your number that day,” Reed said before brushing his sandy brown hair from out of his face.

Jack chuckled. “You messed around with her sister, dumbass. Did you really think Shelly would go for you after you broke her sister’s heart?”

“Shelly DMed me last month right after I got that new sponsorship deal. It came with a picture of her in a dentist chair with her legs open and… Well, you get the picture… So, yeah, I definitely think you went to town in that chair.”

Jack ignored Reed’s cocky grin and continued the game. “Second statement: I pee in the shower.”

Reed sighed. “Shit, man. Do you even know the meaning of this game? You’re supposed to tell us a lie, not all truths…”

“Just wait a fucking second, yeah?”

Reed waved his hand in the air. “Okay. Bring out the lie then. We all know the other statements were both truths…”

“Statement three: I don’t want to get married.”

“Now I’m confused because I think that last one is also a truth,” Rodrigo said as he shot him a questioning look, trying to see if Jack was lying.

Jack sat back with a smirk. He wondered how his friends would vote on his statements.

Gabriel held up his hand. “I think number two is a lie. That’s disgusting if that’s true.”

Both Dominic and Zane snorted, finding each other again over peeing under the shower.

Zane scoffed. “The water washes it away. What the hell is disgusting about that?”

Dominic added, “You think peeing in the dessert with no wipes and just shaking out your one-eyed snake is very hygienic? I’d rather piss into the shower drain and wash my junk right after.”

“I don’t know about you, but where did you think I pissed and took a dump?” Zane pointed his thumb over his shoulder at the ocean.

“Well, what’s the lie, then?” Gabriel asked.

Tags: Anna Castor Romance