Page 61 of Wrecked

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“We’re not going on some wild goose chase,” Zane said.

“I agree,” Jack said. “That’s why I’ll go on my own. You guys can stay and wait for the twins to come back.”

“I’m not letting you go out there on your own,” Zane said.

Jack walked back to the hut and said over his shoulder, “Fine. I’ll go grab some stuff so we can head out before the storm.”

“Storm?” Reed asked who’d heard him as he sat next to the smoldering coals.

“Yeah. Look up, man. The weather is changing. There’s a storm heading our way and Adela is somewhere out there on her own,” Jack said.

Jack kicked at a rock in the sand out of frustration. “Ouch!”

“I’ll come with you,” Reed said.

“No. Zane is already going with me. Sorry, but we need you here, man,” Jack said.

Reed stopped Jack from walking by as he held his shoulder. “Wait a second. Take a deep breath and think.”

Jack pointed a finger up at the sky. “I don’t have time to take a breath. We need to get a move on to stay ahead of this storm. And you guys need to check the huts and get rid of rocks and poles that can hit you in the storm.”

“Reed and I will cover it here, Jack. We’ll take care of Cami and our camp. Don’t worry about us. You and Zane stick together, okay?” Dominic said.

Jack nodded. “We will.”

Zane pointed at the big rock on the side of the beach. “My guess is that she went in that direction. The twins have already covered the other side of the beach, and I don’t think she would head out into the jungle by herself in the dark.”

“Here, take this,” Cami said as she walked up to him.

“What’s that?” Jack asked as he glared at the pink flowery duffel bag she handed him.

“I’ve put a bunch of bananas in there. You’ll have to grab some water, too.”

“Thanks, Cami,” Jack said.

“Appreciated,” Zane said.

“Go get my girl back, Jack. She’s acting all stupid because of what Dom said,” Camilla said.

“What didIdo?” Dominic asked as he joined them. He tried to sling an arm around Camilla, but she elbowed him between the ribs.

“Ouch!” Dominic said.

“Serves you right. I should make you go and look for her, but I already know that she’d rather swim back into the ocean than go anywhere with you!”

Jack felt bad for Dominic up to a certain extent since he knew nothing about Adela’s issues when he made that remark, since he’d been away for two days.

“This is not helping anyone. You guys take care of things here while Jack and I search for Adela along the beach behind the big rock. My guess is that she has a three-hour head start and with this storm coming up, we need to get going,” Zane said.

Jack accepted the two beer cans filled with boiled lake water Reed handed him. “Thanks.”

“Good luck. Bring my sister back and tell her she owes me a day of fishing.”

“I will.” Jack tried to keep the cans upright when Reed slapped his back.

Jack walked away from their camp with Zane by his side. No words were needed between him and his best friend as they went on their mission. Zane already knew that there was nothing he could say that could make Jack feel better.

They passed the big rock and Jack rubbed his chest with his one free hand, since the other held a can of water. This spot reminded him of their talk and how he’d opened up about his past to a girl for the first time.

Tags: Anna Castor Romance